Jackson Elias Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Jackson Elias

Jackson Elias (a.k.a. Jesse Hughes)

Jackson Elias is a writer, specializing in books about strange and violent cults. He started life as an orphan in Stratford, Connecticut, and learned to make his own way early in life. He has no living relatives, and no permanent address.   His best-known book is Sons of Death, exposing modern day Thuggees in India (see Carlyle Papers The Expedition #2 Campaign Beginning Handouts for details of his other books). He speaks several languages fluently and is constantly traveling. He is social, and enjoys an occasional drink. Elias is tough, stable, and punctual, unafraid of brawls or officials. He is mostly self-educated.   Elias is a lifelong skeptic. While he is fascinated by cults with ghoulish beliefs, he considers their members to be deluded and their evils to be of purely human origin.   In Peru, Elias has been using the pseudonym Jesse Hughes, and is pretending to be a folklorist to avoid tipping off Augustus Larkin as to his real identity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Description: An African-American man of average height and build, with short hair and a habitual grin. Tends to wear tweed suits, except when impractical, and usually sports a fedora hat. He smokes a pipe and often gestures with it to emphasize points when talking.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jackson Elias is a writer, specializing in books about strange and violent cults. He started life as an orphan in Stratford, Connecticut, and learned to make his own way early in life. He has no living relatives, and no permanent address.   His best-known book is Sons of Death, exposing modern day Thuggees in India (see Carlyle Papers America #2 for details of his other books). He speaks several languages fluently and is constantly traveling. He is social, and enjoys an occasional drink. Elias is tough, stable, and punctual, unafraid of brawls or officials. He is mostly self-educated.   Elias is a lifelong skeptic. While he is fascinated by cults with ghoulish beliefs, he considers their members to be deluded and their evils to be of purely human origin. Faced with incontrovertible proof of the Mythos, such as witnessing the transformation of one of the kharisiri, his certainty will crumble. Even if this brings on a bout of madness, the long-term effect is to make Elias all the more determined to get to the bottom of the mystery. Learning that the kharisiri are truly monsters only means that it is more important than ever to stop them. Elias knows that he will have to leave the more bizarre details out of his next book to avoid it being unpublishable, and may bemoan the fact whenever something particularly strange or shocking happens.   In Peru, Elias has been using the pseudonym Jesse Hughes, and is pretending to be a folklorist to avoid tipping off Augustus Larkin as to his real identity: that of an author researching the kharisiri death cult and figuring out the true goals of Larkin and de Mendoza.



Traits: Possesses a dark sense of humor and often makes sardonic wisecracks. Behind this veneer, he has a noble and warm nature, prompting him to take risks in protecting people he cares about or those who are unable to look after themselves.

A globetrotting writer specializing in exposés of death cults and other strange organizations.

Current Location
41 (in 1921)
Dark Brown
Short black hair, well trimmed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chestnut Brown
150 lbs

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