Klaus Hunderprest Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Klaus Hunderprest

A stuffy Austrian gentleman with a dilettante's interest in the occult. He is somewhat stocky, but seems strong for his age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Roleplaying Hooks

Klaus is secretly a priest of the Great Old Ones He is fully described later He pretends to be a stuffy Austrian gentleman with a dilettante’s interest in the occult He will try to distract any probing questions with spiels about the recent Bavarian and Bolshevik atrocities, and the horrible communists.   He has a repellent cast to his face His head is slightly pointed and his face is very long His skin is oily and very coarse He has a dark olive complexion with blond hair and beard, which make his swarthy skin stand out There is something strange about him, though an observer will not be able to pinpoint it without watching him for at least fifteen minutes. An observer must make a Spot Hidden roll, if successful, the investigator will notice that Hunderprest blinks only once every couple of minutes.   Hunderprest is a descendant of a serpent man Because of this, Hunderprest’s family have been hereditary priests of a secret cult.   The cult worships a god called Hermes Cthonius, a psychopomp god of the dead Any investigator receiving a successful Occult roll recognizes this name as that of a god banned in Roman times because it used corpses in its ceremonies Through his priesthood, Hunderprest controls the ghouls.   He arranged for the theft of the brass head for a very specific reason The murder was incidental He had at one time a wife whom he loved dearly Several years ago, she died He has been searching for a way to restore her to life and believes the brazen head can teach him how He learned of the head from the Liber Tenebrea, The Book of Darkness (a Cthulhu Mythos book, adding +8% to knowledge, containing the spells Contact Ghoul, Contact Nyogtha, & Contact Y’Golonac, and giving a SAN loss of 1D8) This book also contains a ceremony for activating the head If confronted by the investigators he will seem distracted, as though he has something else more important on his mind than the conversation at hand He is polite but distant and uses as few words as possible Any question dealing with the cult will alert him, and he will leave as quickly as possible, disavowing all knowledge
Wild and Wide Brown Eyes
Blond Hair and Beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Oily and Coarse. Dark Olive Complexion


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