Session 9: There's a shoulder where death comes to cry Report Report in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Session 9: There's a shoulder where death comes to cry Report

General Summary

Friday Evening June 13, 1923 - Saturday Evening June 14, 1923   The three suspects are Lady Margaret Jameson, Klaus Hunderprest, and Michel de Borsavin, and he tells us where we can find them (with the exception of Klaus, who is a local and Frederick Albert Ausperg isn't sure where his residence is). We decide to visit the foreigners to try and sus out any motives or other clues that might help us figure out what happened:
  • Lady Jameson said she was interested in buying the head as a gift for her father, who is a steel baron, and she was hoping to avoid the whole affair by trying to purchase it ahead of time. This was her first time attending one of these.
  • Michel De Borsavin wanted to use it to help in his seances, saying that it can help channel power or something like that. When invited, he agrees to tag along to help us find it.
  • Lesek Czemin, staying in a more humble abode, speaks to us with less interest. He gives short, not very helpful answers. He has been to the Ausperghaus many times before, but not in the basement. He also says that he's never met any of the others.
  • After tracking down Hunderprest's address, we see he lives in a run down place and doesn't let us inside. He says he's making jewelry and doesn't really believe in the occult. He was interested in the item because he is interested in the mechanical aspects and the improvements being made. Thinks communists may be behind it.
  After a suspicious meeting with Hunderprest, Booker and Jack find Monte and Edward to tell them about the interaction. In light of that, we decide to return the four of us to check his place out. We stake it out for a while, hoping that he will leave at some point, but he does not so we decide to aggressively force entry. He yells at us to leave, so Monte kicks the door in. The old man upstairs is startled and calls for the authorities.   The interior of the house has a scent similar to the body and dumbwaiter at the crime scene. Jack and Monte pin down Hunderprest while Edward and Booker go looking for any evidence they can find. Booker finds a diamond ring on a skeletal finger as well as a trapdoor in a walk-in closet. Booker finds the opening mechanism and triggers it, opening the door and tripling the stench of the odor. There is a tunnel underneath it, seemingly having been dug leading from the ground to the house.   It leads to a room made of marble slabs with remnants of what seems to be things stolen from graveyards (grave shrouds with the previous owners in them). An electric light gives off an eerie effect that makes everyone appear pale and ghastly. There are three tombs in the walls, all of which appear to be empty. On a table sits a book (Libre Tenebre, latin for Book of Darkness) and the head. Booker picks up the book, which is coated in a black substance. Hunderprest screams, calling in 4 corpse-like creatures (reminiscent of the creatures from New Orleans). We grab the items and flee, dragging Hunderprest in tow. Edward tries to get him to call them off, but he refuses. The ghouls slowly close in on Booker, who gets badly hurt. Edward looks for knives while Monte returns down for Booker. He kicks the ghouls down the ladder, giving us the remaining time to escape. As sirens approach, we decide if we are going to flee or stay and talk to the police.
Masks of Nyarlathotep Campaign
Jack . Anderson
Botanist Jack Anderson ( 31 / Male ) from Brisbane
Edward Hawkins
Professor Edward Hawkins ( 29 / M ) from Arkham, MA
Leviticus Harrison Mann
Dilletante Leviticus Harrison Mann ( 24 / Male ) from Arkham, Masschusetts
Montgomery Papadopoulos
Smuggler Monte Papadopoulos ( 38 / Male ) from Thessaloniki, Greece
Christopher Ericson
Explorer Christopher Ericson ( 24 / M ) from London
Solomon Carlisle
Big Game Hunter Solomon Carlisle ( 64 / Male ) from Boma, Belgian Congo
Booker Williams
Clergy The Reverend Booker Williams ( 33 / Yes, please ) from Harlem, New York
Report Date
30 Dec 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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