Miriam Atwright Character in Earth: 1920s | World Anvil

Miriam Atwright

Harvard research librarian who, in the past, has aided and admired Jackson Elias’ researches.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A slender, angular woman with curly, graying blonde hair. She wears a conservative dress, round-framed glasses, and a necklace of cultured pearls. Her normally unassuming manner is at odds with the almost mischievous grin she breaks into when discussing the more macabre aspects of anthropology and folklore.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Link: letter sent to Jackson Elias concerning a missing book (Carlyle Papers America #6).
A reference librarian at Harvard University’s Widener Library, Atwright specializes in anthropology and has a high degree of expertise in the field. She is utterly at home in the maze-like library, with an almost uncanny facility with its dozens of miles of shelves.   Two months ago, Jackson Elias contacted Atwright to ask her to track down a copy of Africa’s Dark Sects but she was unable to fulfill the request, as the book had vanished under mysterious circumstances. Atwright is unaware of Elias’ death and will be genuinely saddened if the investigators break the news to her. Atwright could prove a suitable replacement investigator if an academic is required.   Roleplaying hooks: as well as providing information about Africa’s Dark Sects (Appendix C: Tomes, page 641, Africa's Dark Sects), Atwright could help the investigators with research, especially relating to anthropology and cults (Meeting Miriam Atwright, page 136). She has minimal knowledge of the Mythos, none of which she believes, although she may be able to gain access to some Mythos tomes, if required.



Fascinated by cults and strange religious practices, and was a great admirer of Jackson Elias’ work. His sometimes irreverent approach tickled her ghoulish sense of humor, and she wishes she could have met the man before his untimely death.


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