
As patron of the hearth and home, all the kaers and citadels called on Garlen for protection during the Scourge. To this day she remains one of the most widely revered Passions in Barsaive. She is called the mother who cares for all, and Garlen considers all of Barsaive’s Namegivers her children. Garlen and her questors offer healing to the sick and injured, and comfort to the dying. Garlen watches over those who shun adventuring for the comfort and safety of home, particularly families and children. But she is also known to aid and inspire those who defend common people that get unwillingly caught up in violence and danger.
     Ideals: Hearth and Healing
   Typical Appearance: Garlen usually manifests as a voluptuous woman, her arms spread wide in acceptance and invitation. On occasion, Garlen appears as a kindly, comfortable-looking man.
   Common Elements: Homes, children, kaers, enclosed spaces, water
   Powers: Garlen can heal the wounded, comfort the frightened, and travel instantly to any home.
   Questors: Many people mistakenly believe that Garlen’s questors seek the refuge of the hearth and embrace healing because they fear conflict. Anyone who has watched someone they love die while doing everything in their power to prevent it knows that this act of caring requires far greater courage and strength than that required to defeat any enemy.
Religious, Other


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