Kampung Gajah

Hex: 44.13 | Population: 500 | Allegiance: V'strimon

Recently, several T'skrang who had hibernated through the Scourge in Throal set out to awaken and reclaim their Niall in the northern waters of the Coil River.
While the Niall had been damaged (intentionally, to remain fully submerged during the Scourge), work was begun to restore and open the kaer. T'skrang have returned, they have awoken, and the Niall is just beginning to become operational.
South of the Niall lie the fertile lands fed by the Coil and the Serpent, as well as Lake Ban. Kampung Gaja is nominally part of arapogoi V'strimon, but is the northernmost of that great community's Nialls.
Contact has not yet been made with V'strimon, traditionally an ally of Throal. Expeditions are setting out to follow the Coil south, to Lake Ban .
Many wonder if the Coil and the Alidar River, to the east, can be bridged through an underground tunnel. If so, trade routes would benefit greatly.
West of the Niall lies the Servos Jungle, a place of great danger, mystery, and wonders.
The following adventures have featured the Niall:   @Waking T'skrang: Bog Gobs and Crocodiles were defeated to clear the path to the submerged Niall.
@Raising Riverboats: Two riverboats have been raised from the bottom of the Coil river and will soon be in operation.


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