The Cliff City

Hex: 51.10 | Population: 12,000 | Allegiance: Syrtis
Perched atop the Lalai Gorge, one of Barsaive's great natural wonders, the Cliff City is a unique and magnificent settlement, indeed. It is the home and hub of the Syrtis arapogoinya, led by their matriarch, the Shivalahalla Syrtis, said to be one of Barsaive's most powerful Wizards and a seer and oracle of great vision.   House Syrtis has clearly suffered through the Scourge. A city that was built to house over fifty thousand Namegivers now holds just over ten thousand.   But they have survived and persevered. Their embassy has arrived in Throal, and Throal has responded in kind.   T'skrang from the Cliff City are assumed to be of, or associated with, arapogoi Syrtis, whose g'donya or signet is a silver dragon on a blue crystal background, most often worn on a cameo ring.  
First Contact: After a particularly violent vision, Shivalahalla Syrtis sent an expedition north to save a party of Throalic adepts whom she believes must live to achieve some mysterious and great destiny.


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