
Founded in 1485 TH by the famous troll adventurer Torgak, the town of Haven lies in a section of the area of Parlainth known as the Smalls. Together with several fellow troll and ork entrepreneurs, Torgak cleared Haven of hostile creatures and valuable treasures and partially refurbished it for use as a home base by adventurers exploring Parlainth . Those structures still standing they repaired, and Haven's founders built new structures on the foundations of old buildings too far destroyed to fix up. Among the first and largest of the refurbished buildings were Torgak's Supplies and Goods and The Restless Troll, Since its founding, the town has grown outward from the ruins. Most of Haven's permanent residents live in the newer areas of the town, in modest buildings of wood and stone. Torgak and others repaved the shattered portion of the ancient, southeast Laneway that bisects Haven, and sanded down the unsightly stumps of broken statuary along the laneway's walls. To keep at bay the creeping vegetation that threatens to reclaim every part of the ruins, Torgak has taken to hiring former adventurers down on their luck and those either too old or too injured to risk their lives scraping for loot as gardeners. These workers spend their days pruning the wines, tot which Torgak pays them a living wage, Player characters may also discover that these gardeners can offer accurate Information and sage advice: explorers who wish to learn about the hard knocks of adventuring in Parlainth would do well to consult these humbly employed men and women.