The Restless Troll

The Restless Troll is named after its proprietor, a troll wizard named Tylia who served as Torgak's right hand during the clearing-out of Haven . A master of detail and logistics, Tylia saved Torgak's band from walking unprepared into a disaster more than once. When Haven began to change from the home base of a group of troll and ork explorers into a real town, Torgak put Tylia in charge of accommodations. Her unofficial arrangements soon evolved into a booming temporary-housing business concentrated in nearby ancient buildings, and she soon saw the advantages of opening an inn. Tylia planned to call her establishment The Palace, but her first customers nicknamed it "The Restless Troll" in honor of her. Eventually, she gave in to popular usage and officially christened it The Restless Troll. Almost as imposing as Torgak's Supplies and Goods, The Restless Troll is a five-story pyramid faced in limestone, much like a typical mansion in the Vaults, with interior rooms finished in oak and mahogany. The inn's ground floor contains a spacious lobby and a huge tavern, and sleeping rooms take up four of the upper floors. Tylia maintains surprisingly modest quarters for herself on the top floor.   The rooms at the Troll are simple and comfortable, with no magical amenities. Tylia once offered them in some rooms, but after one too many adventurers declared them effete, she had them removed. A double-occupancy room costs 50 silver pieces, a suite for four costs 80 silver pieces, and a suite for six, 160 silver pieces.   The tavern is the center of Haven's social and business activities. The place is packed during the evenings, and a few regulars spend time there during the day as well. Dancers, troubadours, and other entertainments abound. At the tavern, information is traded, deals made, alliances forged, and gossip spread. Tylia does not object to brawls as long as the participants tidy up after themselves and pay for any broken furniture. (She makes a big profit on broken furniture.) Using weapons or offensive magic during a brawl, however, earns the offender a permanent invitation to leave. (Chairs are not considered weapons, broken bottles definitely are.) Even Haven's most violence-prone misfits rarely disobey the Troll's rules of engagement, fearing the professional and social catastrophe of being barred from that establishment. Adventurers without access to this place miss out on countless opportunities to find patrons and hear valuable tips