Dilwalk Street


The neighborhood is primarily inhabited by poorer working class humans and a few immigrant extraterrestrials, all taking advantage of the low prices of the streets that have fallen through the cracks of Halcyon's infrastructure since their independence. Most commute to work, leaving many of the few storefronts bare.


The neighborhood received an influx of strange activity in the wake of the World-Devourer's defeat some months ago, prompting move outs and increased paranoia.

Points of interest

People's Plaza: The old and poorly managed apartment home to Norma Moa and her roomate. Neighbored by Bunny's hospice.   Abandoned Hospice: A small streetside home left abandoned for some time now, recently coming into use by Bunny Reyes, AKA Dr. Love.


Old and run down brick buildings colored with faded reds, windows adorned with pale white shinglings, and black metal fences rusted down. Much of it seems oddly darker these days, and some say the cracks move when you aren't looking.


Oddly chilled, even for the winter time.
Alternative Name(s)
Dimwalk Street
Below Average
Location under
Characters in Location