

The Baritons are the founding tribe of Montbay, and have almost fully integrated into the modern state, composing the bulk of its aristocracy and merchant class. In the process, they've lost most of their roots and traditions in the Old Faith, and have largely assimilated or annihilated other tribes within the region, including the Picaty, Valsh, and Hill-Wigs.   Not much is known about the Baritons before the creation of Montbay, aside from the fact that they were chosen by Delos'Nordan to unify the region because of their organizational capabilities. Apparently, the Baritons had had an elementary form of written language and a rudimentary algebra, which had allowed their tribal lands to organize into a prosperous confederation that had the capabilities to outnumber rival tribes. Despite this, the Baritons were not especially war-like, and it took years for them to unite the region, which frustrated High Elven efforts during The Hillside Campaign.