The Hex Haze


The Hex Haze is the colloquial term used to refer to the cults of the Thalgor. These cults vary as much as the Old Faith, but they are all bound by at least a passive devotion to Hextor, the god of the blood-haze. The blood-haze clouds the judgement of its followers and drives them towards a perpetual thirst for violence and blood. The Hex Haze is also sometimes associated with a worship of dragons. It is not true that the Thalgor innately feel ties to the dragons, though it is true that they have historically cooperated towards the same goals.  

Hextor Beyond the Thalgor

Hextor is sometimes loosely followed by witches and warlocks outside the races of the Thalgor. These people make ample use of the blood-haze in their hexes and shamanistic magic, though they do not voluntarily succumb to its effects themselves. The term 'Hecks' has come to apply to such worshippers. It has also pejoratively come to encompass hedgewitches and Druids.