Ishi Character in East Faerun | World Anvil
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For those coming up from Port Ghaast, a Loxodon is just rumors until they stick their heads into Ishi's Steel or the adjoining stables, Haunted Horses. The space seems out of place compared to the intricately garbed Loxodon. But, then, the Loxodon seems out of place in Spiderhaunt.

Those who want their horse shod, a new shield, or a repair done to a sword, Ishi is their only choice in town. It's unfortunate that the Loxodon is so difficult to talk to. The Loxodon's tone, like most of their species, is a true neutral tone prefaced by emotions to help with understanding. However, they are known to be a touch chaotic in the words use. Many have reported trying to barter with Ishi and finding the Loxodon gives no indication of their emotion, leaving their guests unsettled and non the wiser to whether they received a deal or had their coins stolen from under their noses.

Then again, that intimidation might instead be because of the deafening shriek coming from the Haunted Horses next door. How the town feels about the full-grown gryphon wedged into the stalls next to the horses is unclear, but Ishi reports that there have been no complaints. In fact, some specifically request to stable their horses in there in hopes of dulling a strong flight response. They've only had a horse manage to jump out of a stall once.

Physical Description

Body Features

While small for a Loxodon, Ishi still towers over most other species within Faerûn. Their head is small for that of their race, with an extra-long trunk. Ishi takes great pride in their trunk as it is the primary method by which they sculpt their works.

Apparel & Accessories

Ishi may be the best dressed citizen in Spiderhaunt. At uneducated first glance, once might assume the Loxodon to be covered in elvish finery and craftsmanship. Instead, They Ishi is a walking advertisement of their skillset; dwarven metal from the Mountains of Copper and their smelting furnace twisted into intricate, delicate designs that would make even the most dextrous-fingered elf jealous. To protect their skin from the harsh abrasions of metal, Ishi purchases brightly stained cloth from the Spider's Threads. This likely makes them one of the most brightly dressed citizens of Spiderhaunt as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For the citizens of the town, Ishi has been there longer than they have been alive. Still, everyone knows Ishi came from "The East". There is speculation on what exactly that means, since the Loxodon tribes are littered throughout eastern Faerûn. And, Ishi insists where they come from is not as important as where they are now and the conversation ends.
Current Location
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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