Dura Al-Syn
Physical Description
General Physical Condition
Dura is decently fit.
Body Features
He is somewhat short and awkward.
Facial Features
Has a round, boyish face.
Identifying Characteristics
He is always wearing his holy symbol proudly around his neck and usually has ink stains on his hands.
Special abilities
As a Life Cleric of Sune, Dura is a capable healer both with and without the aid of magic.
Apparel & Accessories
Is usually seen wearing beat up brown and tan clothes with various papers and writing utensils sticking out from his pockets.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Dura Al-Syn was the fourth son of a prominent nobleman, so his lot in life was decided at his birth: he was to enter the priesthood. He was taken in by an order of Sune and was trained in all manner of religious arts. While he was content at this in his youth, his adolescence brought…problems. As a young man Dura yearned for adventure, to discover things that no one knew about. He always heard stories of brave adventurers and wanted to go on his own grand adventure. So, one dark night, he slipped away from the priory, setting off to a new land, one he had heard tell of -- Idriell.
Confused. Oh so confused.
Growing up in a priory, Dura knows how to read and write eloquently. He is also relatively well read on many subjects, having copied down hundreds of books.
Accomplishments & Achievements
He is a true priest of Sune and, as such, he has spoken directly to her.
Failures & Embarrassments
Leaving his priory.
Mental Trauma
He has some abandonment issues.
Intellectual Characteristics
Dura is curious about all things, particularly all kinds of magicks.
Morality & Philosophy
Believes that all people have goodness inside of them.
Please do not insult the gods in front of him.
Personality Characteristics
He really wants to be an adventurer and do exciting things. Well, that and help Mona in any way possible.
Likes & Dislikes
Dura likes charity and bluntness. He dislikes people disparaging themselves.
Vices & Personality flaws
He assumes people are good before getting to know them.
Personality Quirks
He looks at the ground a lot, even when in a direct conversation.
Contacts & Relations
Brother Alfonse of Ithinel Priory
Family Ties
His priory
Religious Views
He is a priest of the Goddess, Sune.
Social Aptitude
He has the social aptitude of an awkward teenager.
Year of Birth
30 Years old
Avronal, Kingdom of the Plains
Current Residence
135 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
What is necessary is good.