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Main Timeline

A mostly accurate timeline of events and things that occurred in Easthalen


10000 BB 0 BB

Events that occurred before the construction of the Great Barrier. Details of events from this period may be in error.

  • -52 PB

    Mage War Begins
    Military action

    Mage War Begins

  • -2 PB

    Grandeur Disapears

    The technological marvel of Grandeur disappears

After Barrier

0 BB and beyond

Details events that occurred after the Great Barrier was built

  • 3 AB

    Formation of the Bleed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The area known as The Bleed starts to manifest.

    More reading
    The Bleed
  • 11 AB

    13 Splia

    Church of Universal Harmony Founded
    Religious event

    The CoUH is founded

  • 448 AB

    11 Deklan

    Goldleaf Bank Founded

    The Goldleaf Bank was legally established

  • 449 AB

    19 Aerna

    The Spell Cascade
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Spell Cascade that transformed the nation of Corlak

  • 450 AB

    13 Chaloe

    Conclave of the House-Nations
    Political event

    The 1st conclave of the house-nations

  • 1310 AB

    15 Belia

    Farbrough Penal Colony founded

    Farbrough Penal Colony founded

  • 1460 AB

    14 Chaloe

    Kaleous takes over the Brotherhood of Eternal Mercy
    Life, Milestone

    Kaleous takes over from her mother who died in childbirth

  • 1482 AB

    The Rifts Open
    Life, Supernatural

    Rifts start to open randomly across easthalen

  • 1482 AB

    14 Deklan

    Present Day

    The Current in game year