Kozhracarn Character in Eastrix | World Anvil
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Kozhracarn (Kus-Ra-Carn)

Father Night, Master Tempest, Lord of Krakens & Harbinger of the End Times

Oh, the seas do roar, with a voice so deep,
Under Kozhracarn's watch, where the krakens sleep.
With waves that crash and storms that weep,
He commands the deep, where the lost souls creep.

For in the night, he reigns supreme,
Kozhracarn's might, a sailor's dream.
In the dark and the fire's gleam,
His wrath does beam, like a haunting scream.

When the sun does hide, and shadows play,
Kozhracarn's tide sweeps all away.
With a fiery stride and a burning bay,
He turns the day into fiery dismay.

The darkness he weaves, it chills the bone,
In his embrace, you're never alone.
For in his decree, his power shown,
By land or sea, his might is known.

For in the night, he reigns supreme,
Kozhracarn's might, a sailor's dream.
In the dark and the fire's gleam,
His wrath does beam, like a haunting scream.

- Shanty of Kozhracarn

In the vast expanse of Eastrix, where the light of day meets the shroud of night, reigns Kozhracarn, the God of Decay. A formidable counterpart to Talos, the Mother of Gods and God of Blossoms, Kozhracarn embodies nature's wrathful decay and the impending doom it foretells. His power echoes in the thunderous roars of tsunamis, the hushed whispers of ominous mists, and the trembles of earthquakes that threaten the world's very existence. With krakens as his loyal guardians and the vast oceans as his domain, Kozhracarn's influence is most potent in the stillness of the night, where his wishes for eternal darkness brew.  

Kozhracarn's Avatar:

Kozhracarn, in his earthly form, is a colossal figure, towering over the tallest of beings. His skin, a deep shade of midnight blue, shimmers like the surface of a moonlit sea, reflecting the depth of the oceans he commands. Tentacle-like appendages, reminiscent of the mighty kraken, cascade from his back, each tipped with jagged barbs. His eyes, devoid of pupils, glow with an eerie luminescence, emitting an ethereal light that seems to suck in all warmth. A crown of coral and shipwrecks adorns his head, a testament to his dominion over the seas. Flames dance around his form, a sign of the destructive fires he wields, leaving a trail of smoldering ashes wherever he treads.

Divine Domains

Kozhracarn, the Father Night and God of Decay, holds sway over several divine domains that reflect the brutal and relentless forces of nature, embodying the stage before death and the inevitable decline all things must face:   Disasters: Kozhracarn is deeply associated with natural disasters - the overwhelming power of tsunamis, the indiscriminate devastation of tornadoes, the earth-shattering terror of earthquakes, and the explosive fury of volcanoes. He is the embodiment of nature's destructive power, bringing cataclysmic change and reshaping landscapes with an uncaring disregard for the life it uproots.   Decay: As the God of Decay, Kozhracarn represents the natural decay that all things must undergo. He is not the end, but the journey towards it, the slow and steady decline that is as much a part of life as birth and growth. This domain covers all forms of natural decay, from the rotting of a fallen log to the erosion of mountains.   Night: Kozhracarn, also known as Father Night, holds dominion over the night and all that it encompasses. This includes the moon and stars, but also the creatures that stalk the night and the fears that come with darkness. His power waxes and wanes with the moon, reaching its peak on the darkest of nights.   Wilderness: Kozhracarn is also a god of the wild, untouched parts of the world. He embodies the harsh realities of survival in these places, where the elements are often brutal and unrelenting, and life must adapt or perish. This also extends to the primal, savage aspects of nature and the predators that embody them.


There are several artifacts in the name of Kozhracarn as he forges endlessly in the hopes of capturing the pure essence of destruction.   

The Stormwakers

These gauntlets are perhaps the most powerful artifacts in Kozhracarn's arsenal, forged by the god himself in the heart of a dying star. Embellished with symbols of natural disasters, each one is imbued with the raw force of an elemental cataclysm. When worn, they grant the wearer strength beyond mortal comprehension, said to be akin to holding the world in one's hands. The gauntlets are designed to invoke each of the four natural disasters Kozhracarn presides over, granting the power of raging tsunamis, furious tornadoes, ground-shattering earthquakes, and explosive volcanoes.  

The Nightveil Pendant

 This pendant is an embodiment of Kozhracarn's domain over the night. When worn, it cloaks the wearer in shadows, making them nearly invisible in darkness. It also enhances their senses during the night, allowing them to see, hear, and smell as keenly as the most adept nocturnal predators. The pendant is fashioned from a shard of obsidian, carved intricately with lunar and stellar patterns.  

Heartwood Totem

A totem carved from the heartwood of a tree that succumbed to the natural process of decay. It stands as a testament to Kozhracarn's domain over decay and symbolizes the inevitable decline that all life must face. When invoked, the Heartwood Totem can accelerate or decelerate the process of decay, rotting wood, rusting metal, or even hastening the aging process in living creatures.  

Cloak of the Untamed

Forged from the hide of a monstrous beast that roamed the wilderness, this cloak embodies Kozhracarn's reign over the wild. It provides the wearer with protection against the harsh elements, a keen sense of direction, and an uncanny ability to move stealthily through any natural terrain. The cloak also instills a sense of primal fear in beasts, forcing them to acknowledge the wearer as an apex predator.

Holy Books & Codes

There are several holy texts, these are but some of them:  

The Chronicles of Decay

This text is a detailed record of the inevitable process of decay, meticulously documenting the cycle of birth, life, decay, and rebirth. It highlights the beauty in decay and the role it plays in the rejuvenation of life. The scribes of this text were a sect of druids who followed Kozhracarn and saw beauty and necessity in decay.    
"Life is but a transient state in the grand cycle of existence. Each blossom that blooms in radiant splendor must one day wilt and decay. And yet, in this decay is the promise of rebirth. The fallen leaves nourish the soil, and from the enriched earth, life sprouts anew. Decay is not the end, but a herald of a new beginning. Thus is the will of Kozhracarn."
Excerpt from "The Chronicles of Decay"

The Cataclysm Codex

This book is a homage to the awe-inspiring might of natural disasters, illustrating how they reshape the landscapes and bring about a new order. It underlines the duality of disasters, recognizing them as destructive forces, but also appreciating their role in fostering change and growth.  
"In the tumultuous roar of the tsunami, in the wild dance of the tornado, in the furious tremble of the earthquake, and the volatile fury of the volcano, we see the wrath of Kozhracarn. Yet, this wrath is not senseless destruction but a means of change. Where the tsunami retreats, it leaves behind fertile land; where the tornado passes, it scatters seeds; where the earthquake trembles, it raises mountains; where the volcano erupts, it births islands. Each disaster, a stroke of the divine artist, reshaping the canvas of the world."
Excerpt from "Cataclysm Codex

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are three main symbols and sigils devoted to Kozhracarn:
The Tsunami Wave: This symbol is a massive, curling wave, about to crash down with untold might. It's the embodiment of overwhelming force, signifying the unstoppable strength of nature and the cycles of destruction and creation. The wave also subtly hints at the tides, controlled by the moon, and the dominion of Kozhracarn during the night.
Ominous Mists: Representing the unknown and the mysterious forces of nature, the mist is a soft, flowing symbol. It is also representative of Kozhracarn's presence during the night, a shroud that covers the land in gentle decay. Those who seek him might find their path through these mists, a journey through understanding the necessity of decay.
The Kraken's Grasp: The Kraken, with its tentacles outstretched, is not just a symbol of fear and the deep unknown but also the vigilant guardian of the vast oceans, the world's natural graveyards. The tentacles of the Kraken are shown to be reaching upwards, almost as if trying to pull the very lands into the depths below. This is a testament to the relentless pull of decay, as all things eventually return to the depths from which they came.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of Kozhracarn are the following:
All things undergo a process of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth. It is the fundamental rhythm of the universe. Kozhracarn teaches that decay is not an end but a transitional phase, necessary for rejuvenation and new beginnings. To resist this natural process is to resist the very laws of existence.
Nature's fury, as embodied in disasters and the relentless pull of decay, is neither malicious nor benevolent. It simply is. To respect this force is to understand one's place in the greater scheme, to not hubristically defy or challenge it but to navigate its power with wisdom.
While Talos brings life and renewal, Kozhracarn ensures the balance with decay and dissolution. Both are essential for the harmony of existence. His followers are taught to value both the blossoming dawn and the decaying dusk, understanding that without one, the other cannot be.


There are three main holidays celebrated in the name of Kozhracarn.   Night of the Deepening Shadow:
Celebrated on the longest night of the year, worshippers of Kozhracarn gather to perform rituals, hoping to extend the night and delay the coming of dawn. Bonfires are snuffed out, and ceremonies are held in total darkness to honor the god of decay.
Tidal Reckoning:
On this day, Kozhracarn's power over the seas is celebrated. Pirates and marauders make offerings to the god, praying for favorable tides and a year of successful pillaging. Coastal towns often brace for attacks, as the god's followers are particularly emboldened on this day.
Desolation Day:
Falling at the end of the harvest season, this holiday represents the inevitable decay that follows growth. Followers of Kozhracarn leave a portion of their harvest to rot, symbolizing the god's influence and the transitory nature of life. They also engage in feasts, indulging in the fruits of decay, such as fermented drinks and aged delicacies.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

These are the divine goals of Kozhracarn:   Eternal Night:
Kozhracarn seeks an eternal night where he can roam freely, without the restraints of daylight or the hope it brings. In this endless darkness, he dreams of a world where decay prevails, breaking the cycle of the Great Dance and establishing his dominance.
Maritime Dominance:
The oceans are the world's graveyards, vast expanses where the might of Kozhracarn is at its most potent. He desires to have the seas entirely under his influence, making them a testament to his power and dominion. In doing so, he often lends his strength to pirates and marauders who pledge loyalty to him, using them as agents of his will.
Dissolution of the Great Dance:
The Great Dance is the balance between life and death, growth and decay. Kozhracarn seeks to disrupt this balance, tipping the scales forever in favor of decay. He aims to demonstrate that decay is not just a phase but can be a permanent state, countering the teachings of the Greenwarden Circle and other followers of the natural order.



Destruction God Equivalent

Towards Talos



Creation God Equivalent

Towards Kozhracarn



Fellow Destruction God

Towards Tiamat



Fellow Destruction God

Towards Kozhracarn



Fellow Destruction God

Towards Asmodeus



Fellow Destruction God

Towards Kozhracarn



Close Friend

Towards Zepthrion



Close Friend

Towards Kozhracarn




Towards The Red Matron


The Red Matron


Towards Kozhracarn




Towards Diandrous




Towards Kozhracarn



Greater Enemy

Towards Lathander



Greater Enemy

Towards Kozhracarn




Towards Waukeen




Towards Kozhracarn


King Yama


Towards Kozhracarn




Towards King Yama


Divine Classification
God of Destruction
Ruled Locations

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