The Black Mountains
The Black Mountains are located in the South of Tamia and gain their name from the rare black rock formed from volcanic rock. The dwarven Nation of Nagar is located throughout the range, and under it, and they share these mountains with all the creatures that lair here. The Mountains shake whenever the Gearrails pass through, but not enough to cause any landslides (anymore)
The Black Mountains are roughly 250 miles long and 200 miles across. The dwarven villages that mine the iron an coal here rest near the edges of the range, leaving the deep mountain peaks for the dragons and other predators that claim them. The Hotspire is the main landmark of the range, being the only active volcano (and the largest) yet there are many other volcanos around the range that lie dormant.
Natural Resources
The dwarves mine Obsidian from the volcanic deposits, and coal and Iron mines are found all around the edges of the range.