The Church of Gnash Organization in Eather'an | World Anvil
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The Church of Gnash

Written by Salen

When the great day of calamity came and Starfall smashed up the world, the orcs stopped worshiping their god. They used to worship Dava, God of Healing & Protection, as the primary god of honor and battle, but after what had happened to their world, they turned their backs on him and called out to their primal urges to satisfy their beliefs. Over time, some of the orcs began to have visions of these urges as orcs made manifest and called out to worship them. They were scoffed at and ridiculed, after all they had more pressing concerns with their slaves and building Towers to hold them all. Then the first Priests came calling.  

The Three

Three gods came to the orcs of the Shards, one for each of the most cherished primal urges: Gnash, God of Hunger., Wend, god of battle, and Ragh, goddess of life and death. These three gods were at first thought to be Nor, Dava, and Krist, but some of the things they wanted them to do didn't seem to fit with those other gods. The new gods told them, through their chosen priests, that they would answer prayers only if their urges were satisfied. Eating, fighting, and procreating were what they wanted these orcs to do, that's it. Needless to say the orcs were all over that.


The hierarchy of the church is like the other religions in the Shards; it is based on the primal urges that rule the gods. Gnash, God of Hunger. elevates the fattest and most indulgent of his worshipers to head priest. They receive a title pertaining to their massive consumption and lead the church until they either die, or the god replaces them (by eating them). The lesser priests of the order are called Plates and serve their god by preaching the consumption of food to excess. The current Head Priest is Bromgan the Full, who resides in the capital city of Daegra on Boltusk.

Mythology & Lore

It is said that Gnash has started eating the very core of the earth and when he is full, the world will perish. Every earthquake is Gnash moving his great bulk so that he can reach more of the core. With his voracious hunger, this isn't as much of a fairytale as one would expect, as he has been rumored to have eaten mounatins.

Divine Origins

Gnash, God of Hunger. was born from the primal urges of the desperate orcs after starfall. Hunger made manifest out of discarded demons and hate, Gnash is the beast of the three gods and the lonliest, as the other two tend to ignore him because he is always eating.

Tenets of Faith

Feed thy hunger in anyway possible, never leaving any in your charge to wither.


The High Priest is usually the biggest (fattest) orc in line and not necessarily the most devout. The bigger the eater the better the chances that Gnash will call upon him to represent his great bulk.

Eat to Live, Live to Eat

Badaxe by Blaz Porenta
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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Cover image: by Andreas Adamek


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