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Devil's Horns

Devil's Horns was a Karrnathi war hero, most famous for his accomplishments during the battle of Daskaran in Thrane. He is Patriot's father.

Devil's Horns enlisted in the Karrnathi military on his seventeenth birthday and received multiple decorations for distinguished service during his mandatory three years. He was offered a spot in Rekkenmark Academy to become an officer if he chose to remain in the army, which he accepted. After his training, he began his officer career as a law enforcement lieutenant in Rekkenmark, but longed to go back to fighting abroad. He was granted his wish in 979 when he was given command of a combat platoon.

In 981 YK, he and his men were part of the battalion who conquered the city of Thaliost for Karrnath and occupied it for several years. During this time, he was promoted to captain and charged with bringing the local resistance to heel. He ordered and oversaw the hangings of hundreds of Aundairan and Thrane rebels. It is during this period that he met and married Mona Merrills, a pro-Karrnath Thaliosan who turned in many rebels to the Karrnathi authorities.

When Duke Konstantin ir'Dvorak devised a plan to seize the Thrane capital of Flamekeep, Captain Devil's Horns was charged with the capture of Daskaran to secure a route to the capital. He led his troops to the town, but Thrane soldiers were waiting in ambush and sprayed the road and fields around Daskaran with oil and set the entire countryside on fire to block access to the town. Devil's Horns ordered his men to hunker down and scouted ahead. While his natural tiefling resistance to fire allowed him to survive, he suffered terrible burns as he traversed the fiery terrain to reach the town. Using the same guerrilla tactics the Thaliost rebels used against his own troops, Devil's Horns single-handedly killed dozens of Thrane soldiers, causing many more to flee the town. With the help of some of the townspeople who were horrified at the sight of their burning farms, he extinguished the inferno, allowing his men to cross and take possession of the town.

He was brought back to Thaliost to treat his extensive burns, but infection had already set in by the time he arrived, and he died a few days later. His wife Mona discovered she was pregnant a few weeks after Devil's Horns' death, and named her son Patriot in honor of his father's heroism. When Thrane took back Thaliost a few years later, she was forced to move across the river to Rekkenmark.

The story of Devil's Horns has been the subject of many books and plays, and he is reknowned across Karrnath as an example of a model Karrn. He was referenced in many political speeches by Regent Moranna, King Kaius and other nationalistic leaders, while other nations, particularly Thrane and Aundair, often portray Devil's Horns as an evil, bloodthirsty monster in their depictions of the events in Thaliost and Daskaran. Some people believe that the treatment of tieflings in each nation is heavily influenced by the popular depiction of Devil's Horns; tieflings face little to no discrimination in Karrnath, where Devil's Horns is a national hero, but they are often met with suspicion and fear in Thrane and Aundair, where he is reviled by popular culture.


Current Status
Date of Birth
Zarantyr 15th, 955 YK
Date of Death
Barrakas 6th, 986 YK
955 YK 986 YK 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Infection due to burns
Place of Death
Dol Dorn


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