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King Kaius III ir'Wynarn (kajus ərwənɑːrn)

His Illustrious Majesty Kaius III ir'Wynarn is the King of Karrnath. He lives in the royal palace of Crownhome in the capital city of Korth with his wife Etrigani, his five children Kaius IV, Martialis, Septima, Albertus and Octavius as well as his mother Floriana.

He inherited the throne of Karrnath as an infant after his older brother Drago and his father King Jaron I died of illness before Kaius' first birthday. His aunt Moranna became regent and ruled in his name until he came of age. Kaius assumed the throne of Karrnath on his twentieth birthday in 991 YK.

Upon taking power, Kaius made efforts to centralize the kingdom's military and took a more active stance in managing Karrnath's war effort. This change in policy was met with skepticism by the dukes of Karrnath, who were previously responsible for leading their own armies against Karrnath's enemies. Two dukes, Elias ir'Kunstler and Arnold ir'Clemens, openly rebelled against him and marched their armies to the capital. The insurrectionists were intercepted a mile away from the gates of Korth and a long and arduous battle ensued in the countryside, ending with the royal troops victorious. Duke ir'Clemens died in battle, while Duke ir'Kunstler and several high-ranking military officers were convicted of high treason and publicly shot in Korth. The traitorous dukes were replaced by Duke Kirill ir'Kovacs and Duke Bogdan ir'Yanus. By the end of 993 YK, King Kaius' detractors were proven wrong, as under his leadership, Karrnath had made more advances in two years than it had made in the last two decades. More than ever, Karrnath was in a better position than its rivals to finally win the war. Kaius' popularity as sovereign soared, earning him the nickname "The Steel King".

When a contingent of diplomats from the elven continent of Aerenal visited his court in 992 YK, Kaius was smitten by Etrigani Senadal, a young elven woman accompanying her father Nelaeryn, the governor of Taer Senadal. The two met each other secretly a few times, and the day before the contingent was supposed to leave Khorvaire, Etrigani announced she would be staying to live in Karrnath, to the consternation of the other elves. King Kaius made an official announcement of his engagement to Etrigani a month later, and they were married in a lavish ceremony in Olarune 993 YK. While some people expressed concerns about the union, even moreso after Crown Prince Kaius IV's birth meant future kings of Karrnath would be Khoravar, but they were largely dismissed as regressive rantings.

After the Day of Mourning on Olarune 20th, 994 YK, Kaius' belligerent attitude towards the war changed completely. He became the biggest proponent of peace among the world leaders and eventually convinced them of opening peace negotiations in Thronehold, a neutral ground formerly part of the destroyed nation of Cyre. A lot of Karrns were very confused by this sudden change of heart, as the destruction of their closest neighbor could have given Karrnath the means to conquer the entire continent. Some media outlets openly criticized the king and called for a military coup d'état, but the nobility and military stood behind the king and violently repressed political agitators.

In 995 YK, the Order of the Emerald Claw, the armed wing of Blood of Vol religious group, firebombed a hotel in Thronehold where Karrnathi diplomats were staying during the negotiations, killing dozens of people and maiming many others. Kaius responded by criminalizing open Blood of Vol worship and declaring members of the Emerald Claw enemies of the State. Despite a nationwide manhunt for Emerald Claw operatives, attacks on government institutions are still common to this day. Political opposition to Kaius' rule has rallied under the Emerald Claw banner, and the Order actively recruits among reprobates, revolutionaries and democratic reformists alike, although support for the king among the populace remains high.

The peace negotiations ended on Aryth 11th, 996 YK with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold, officially putting an end to the war. While the leaders of other nations have gradually loosened restrictions placed upon their populations after peace was signed, Karrnath's situation has remained largely unchanged. Rationing and curfews are still in effect, wartime criminal laws are still applied, military service is still a legal obligation for all young Karrnathi men and the king's rule remains absolute. Invoking national security and the threat of the Order of the Emerald Claw, Kaius has rebuffed all calls for political reform, even as the tenth anniversary of the Treaty of Thronehold approaches.


Current Status
King of Karrnath
Date of Birth
Sypheros 5th
Year of Birth
971 YK 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to the Karrnathi throne
Current Residence
Crownhome, Korth
Sovereign Host


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