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Maj. Weylin Cannith (weɪlɪn kæniθ)

Major Weylin Cannith is the commanding officer of the troops stationed in Teryk. He is also Jacob's father and an unmarked member of House Cannith, from whom he is estranged.

His main duty is to advise Duke Kirill ir'Kovacs on military and legal matters. His harsh authoritarian attitude clashes with the gentle and kind duke's. While Major Cannith finds his duke feckless and weak and would gladly leave to go work for another, Duke Kovacs very much enjoys being challenged in his beliefs and debating human nature with his major, and would never consider trading him for another.

He is profoundly disliked by the majority of his soldiers, who often call him "Major Dickhead" when he is out of earshot. He once got pantsed by a mage hand and never caught the culprit, filling him with incandescent rage. The fact that his father Zorlan tried and failed to conquer the world with an army of warforged doesn't help his popularity either.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Dravago 31st
Year of Birth
965 YK 40 Years old
Making, Cyre


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