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Order of the Emerald Claw

The Order of the Emerald Claw is the militant arm of the Blood of Vol religion. Formerly one of the best-trained units in the Karrnathi military, they were formally disbanded in 975 after Regent Moranna ir'Wynarn revoked the Blood of Vol's status as Karrath's state religion and accused its leaers of being responsible for Karrnath's woes. However, some of the Order's members refused the order to disband and the unit went underground, performing unauthorized actions against Karrnath's enemies. When King Kaius III ir'Wynarn initiated efforts to end the Last War and settle for peace, the Order of the Emerald Claw denounced him as a traitor to Karrnath and have fought his regime since. They have been responsible for many terrorist attacks in Karrnath and its members have been declared enemies of the Kingdom.
Religious, Sect


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