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Pvt. Linhardt Mueller

Private Linhardt Mueller is a Karrnathi Army recruit receiving basic training at Fort Zombie at the same time as the protagonists.

He was in a bar with friends in Teryk when a fight broke out and devolved into an indiscriminate brawl. He doesn't even know what sparked the original fight, but quickly had to defend himself and his friends from flying mugs and wild punches. When he was about to be hit, he haphazardly cast an Ice Knife spell towards an attacker, but missed. The knife's explosion sent ice shards flying everywhere, killing a man and injuring several others. When the dust settled, the crowd identified Linhardt as the killer and arrested. While Duke Kirill ir'Kovacs acknowledged Linhardt's right to defend himself in the context of a bar fight, the King's Law compelled him to consider a death caused by the use of an offensive magic spell as a first-degree murder, which carries a mandatory death sentence. Recognizing the absurdity of the situation, the duke used his prerogative to suspend Linhardt's sentence in exchange for a ten-year military service. After signing his contract, Linhardt was transported in chains to Fort Zombie to start his training. He has faced extra scrutiny from officers since his arrival, but has proven to be an exemplary recruit.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Therendor 20th, 985 YK
Year of Birth
985 YK 20 Years old
Criminal charge
Second-degree murder
Death (suspended)


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