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Session 4: Curfew

General Summary

After making sure the wounded private was out of danger, the party left the hospital just in time for the curfew bells to ring. After receiving guidance from Sergeant Kromer and a philosophical discussion on the nature of military work, the recruits went back to patrol the Dol Arrah district.

Smelling some tobacco smoke in an alley, they investigated to find a young man hidden behind a dumpster trying to hide from them. Peter Pröll claimed to have been at his girlfriend's house and not noticed the time. After the bells, he tried spending the night there, only to be found by his stepfather and thrown out of the house despite the curfew. A search of his bag uncovered strange books about controlling magic and casting spells without hand gestures. Upon being questioned about the books, Peter became very nervous and strange magical phenomena happened around him; it seemed the mere mention of magic was enough to trigger wild magic around him. The party placed Peter under arrest for curfew violation and delivered him to Lt. Darko Volin for processing.

A few hours later, the party investigated some strange lights inside a smithy. After the recruits described the people they saw through the windows, Sgt. Kromer came to the conclusion that the blacksmith Alaric Braunhammer was being robbed, and the party raided the smithy. The robbers, who had noticed the soldiers skulking about, fortified their position and attacked them when they entered. Woken up by gunfire, Alaric came down from his bedroom and joined the fray, killing one of the robbers. All thieves were killed save for one khoravar woman who has restrained by Matias.

Alaric thanked the sergeant, with whom he seemed acquainted, as well as the recruits. He offered the party one free upgrade of a melee weapon when they come back during business hours. The khoravar suspect refused to say anything, and none of the thieves carried any identification papers. The party called Lt. Volin to the scene, and were relieved for the rest of their shift to process the suspect and write their incident reports.

The party went to the garrison jail to book their suspect and met Lt. Desran Redler, who was carrying out Peter's sentence of fifteen lashes in the jail courtyard. The lietenant, a Vulyar native, recognized Charli and offered his condolences for her father's passing before taking the khoravar suspect in his office for booking.

As the end of shift approached, Sgt. Kromer suggested debriefing in front of breakfast at his house in the Bloomsbury district.
Peter Pröll tried and failed to sneak past the recruits during the curfew.
Report Date
13 Sep 2024
Primary Location
In-game date:
Nymm 4th and 5th, 1005


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