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Khoravar (Half-Elves)


The first half-elves came about due to the mixing of humans from Sarlona with Elven exiles from Aerenal; while relations were at first icy between the two groups given enough time, well, people will be people. The children that resulted from these meetings were at first an oddity, something of a quirk of biology, little thought about and considered. Then there kept being more. Seemingly inheritors of the best of both of their parent ancestries-elven longevity mixed with human thought and will-the half elves quickly became valued members of the growing communities they were a part of. Half-elves spread across Khorvaire alongside their human cousins, populating the areas from Lhazaar to where the Five Nations sat and into the Eldeen. Yet, they were still largely isolated from each other, not truly a community, that would take the founding of House Lyrandar to achieve.


The Children of Khorvaire

Lyran and Selavash were two half-elves from what is today Thrane, while little is known about their raising and childhood they would be recorded by history as "The Firstborn," the first to manifest the mark of the storm. Said to have been accompanied by a visions from the Sovereigns which foretold that the Half-elves were the true inheritors to the continent and ones destined to make it bloom, the two of them quickly went out and began to spread this message. They called for the Half-elves to gather to a new name, and now called themselves "Khoravar" or the children of Khorvaire. These calls were quite successful, instilling a new sense of togetherness in the Khoravar, and leading to many practices continued in their communities to this day. This would also lead to the establishment of the Dragonmarked House Lyrandar, a name which translates to "Children of Lyran," when the mark of storms began to appear on other half-elves from the line of Lyran and Selavash.
  Today the sight of a Half-elf is completely common across Khorvaire, and the Khoravar community-with the Dragonmarked houses of Medani and Lyrandar-is famously tight knit. While the native peoples of the continent-Orcs, Goblins, and Gnolls among other peoples-might contest their claim to the name of children of Khorvaire, the sentiment made by it has still forged an impressive feeling of brotherhood.


Culture and cultural heritage

The union dinner- a common practice of half-elf communities, inspired by early practices started by "The Firstborn," it is a communal dinner that takes place every Sul (sunday) of the week. Any half-elf or a non half-elf vouched for by the community, whether they are born in the community or simply passing through, is welcome at the dinner. These dinners can be great ways to ingratiate oneself into a community, and learn about the area.

Historical figures

Lyran and Selavash-dubbed "The Firstborn," credited both with the true creation of the community of half-elves and the creation of House Lyrandar, they are possibly the most impactful Khoravar in the history of the continent.
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