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Humans come to Khorvaire from Sarlona

Discovery, Exploration

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"Lhazaar is often considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, navigator in history. Due to her ability to guide what was a huge fleet through the treacherous, and at the time uncharted, Lhazaar Sea (obviously only named after her after she navigated, before it was known as the Sea of the Darkness). Against all the odds she guided the fleet to Khorvaire, first landing on Speartip island and then making their way through the (before unnamed) Lhazaar archipelago, to the Easternmost coast of Khorvaire"
Humans and Their Impact upon the continent of Khorvaire by Isan Unnat, student of Morgrave University

Lhazaar leads humans from Sarlona to the eastern shores of Khorvaire. Beginning human settlement of the continent.

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