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Timeline of Eberron

An overview of the major world shaping events of Eberron

The Age of Dragons

> -10,000,000 YK

An age before time itself, when the greatest of the dragons would create the world

  • ???
    The Progenitor Dragons and The Creation of The World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    "And the great progenitors discovered the prophecy, and all the world lay out before them, but the brothers Siberys and Khyber disagreed on the prophecy and did battle against one another. Khyber would be victorious, but Khyber did not expect their sister, Eberron, to leap upon him, and deal him a mortal blow."

    The Dragons account of the Progenitors

The Age of Demons

-10,000,000 YK > -100,000 YK

When the world was ruled by the dark forces of demons and rakshasas, before a great sacrifice locked them away

  • -10,000,000 YK
    The Surface is Overrun
    Disaster / Destruction

    "The sun was blotted out of the sky, the land was corrupted, and darkness ruled over all"
    Draconic Histories: The Age of Demons

  • -1,500,000 YK
    The War Begins

    "The darkness was complete. Until a couatl scholar, Hezcalipa, and a blue dragon warrior, Ourelonastrix, rediscovered the prophecy of their progenitors. This gave them insight into the weaknesses of the overlords and their minions, and allowed them to rally the dragons to war"
    Draconic Histories: The Age of Demons

  • -100,000 YK
    The Sacrifice of the Couatl's and War's End
    Era beginning/end

    "The war was against an enemy that could not be undone, even by our strength. However, through his insights into the prophecy Hezcalipa saw what must be done, and the cost of it all. In order to defeat the demons and bind them for all time, the sacrifice required would be great, and only he and his people could bear it."
    Draconic Histories: The Age of Demons

The Age of Giants

-80,000 YK > -39,000 YK

In the wake of the Age of Demons, a new force will rise to prominence, before being struck down for their own power.

  • -80,000 YK
    The Rise of The Giants
    Era beginning/end

    "After the cataclysm of the Age of the Demons, it appears as though the giants began to rise in prominence and began to develop their island of Xen'drik. It is at this time the enslavement of Elves also begins to appear in the ruins."
    Morgrave Study of Xen'drik and The Giants

  • -65,000 YK
    Haka'torvhak is guarded

    "Long ago, the Gods came and showed us their holy site, there are few who may go there and look upon the God's themselves"

    Dr. Massi's expedition into Q'barra: Notes from his recovered Journal

  • -60,000 YK
    The Dragons make contact with Giants
    Cultural event

    "After a long development time, there is a marked change in what the Giants are able to build. Already huge ruins are put to shame by their later works. It is believed only through the use of powerful magic are the Giants able to accomplish feats such as these. In all likelihood these magics were shared by the Dragons."
    Morgrave Expedition logs

  • -40,000
    The Quori War with The Giants
    Disaster / Destruction

    "There are signs of a cataclysm occurring during the prime of the Giant's civilization, details are unclear, but in the wake of this it is obvious that the Giant's were never the same again."
    Morgrave University Expedition Notes from Xen'drik

  • -39,000 YK
    The Scouring of Xen'drik
    Disaster / Destruction

    "After the Cataclysm we see that Giant life in Xen'drik largely begins to resemble what we see today. With little substantial change occuring in the meantime. Whether because of The Traveler's Curse or some other reason that we have lost track of, the Giants were never the same again."
    Morgrave University Xen'drik Expedition Notes

The Age of Monsters

-38,000 YK > -5,000 YK

History turns its eyes to Khorvaire and its first peoples, the goblins and orcs, as well as their alien enemies that appear.

  • -38,000 YK
    The Rise and Fall of Empires

    "While the Giants fell from power in Xen'drik, there were new forces now rising. Aeren, the great elven prophet, led the elves, with help from the early Phiarlans, to Aerenal where they settled the island in city states. Meanwhile in Khorvaire we see the rise of The Dhakaani goblins"
    History of The Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -30,000 YK
    The Rise of The Orcs in The West

    "Orc nations are usually not something that have occurred in Khorvaire, because of Orcish temperament and desire for independence. However the pressure the war machine of Dhakaan put upon the Orcs was so great as to make it a necessity to band together"
    History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -25,000 YK
    The Undying Court and The Elvish Wars with Dragons
    Cultural event

    "The loss of Aeren is something that all Elves felt keenly, and they were apparently determined to never lose such a soul as Aeren's again. After years of study and research by Elven sages the Undying Court of Aerenal became a reality, with their old king, Ivaren, becoming the first of the positive energy undead. I Think once the wars with dragons broke out those same sages wished they had put more thought into how to fight the scaled monsters"
    The History of the Elves By Professor Zeldyr of Morgrave University

  • -19,000 YK
    Dhakaani Fight the Lizardfolk
    Military action

    "There is evidence of some large scale battle between a Dhakaani city state and a force of Lizardfolk in Talenta. It appears to have been a complete rout for the Lizardfolk, with them scurrying into the Endworld Mountains. Skeletons of Lizardfolk found in the passes suggest many more died in the travel to Q'barra."
    History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -15,000 YK
    Dhakaani Empire forms
    Cultural event

    "The Dhakaani eventually banded together, putting all of their hefty territorial gains and martial prowess together in one place. Creating a truly massive empire, and the greatest war machine that has ever been seen on the shores of Khorvaire before or since. If a legion walked into Karrnath today, I guarantee not even the Karrnathi could stand up to them."
    History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -15,000 YK
    Druidic Magic Appears among the Orcs and the first Sects are founded
    Cultural event

    "While the Dhakaani grew in their martial power, the Orcs were being taught a new kind of power, Druidic magic. The origin of this power is debated, Gatekeeper traditions speak of a teacher from a faraway land, but describe little else about this mysterious teacher. There is also some thought that perhaps the orcs always had this power and it only just was recognized. The answer remains clouded though."  

    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire 
    by Professor Saan of Morgrave Univeristy

  • -11,000 YK
    Dwarven Migration

    "When suddenly a strange new player entered the continent. Dwarves came from the Frostfell continent, seeking a much more hospitable home than an island of ice and snow. They chose to settle the Ironroot mountains. Which are largely known for being covered in ice and snow."
    History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -9,000 YK
    Elves Settle Khorvaire-Briefly
    Diplomatic action

    "The Elves came to Khorvaire for a brief amount of time. However, events in Aerenal quickly forced them to return home. The Dhakaani, in an effort to make sure that they never returned, made a deal with the elves that they could only return to Khorvaire if invited, something the Dhakaani never planned to do. Although, the Elves would not forget this condition."
    The History of the Elves by Professor Zeldyr of Morgrave University

  • -8,000 YK
    The Dealkyr War
    Military action

    "The onslaught by this completely alien invader is difficult to imagine. Their effect spreading like a disease across the land itself. Corrupting and changing plants, animals, and those unfortunate enough to be caught by these creatures were changed and mutated into sick perversions of their original form. The Dealkyr must have left complete and horrible destruction in their path, in a way that cannot truly be ever known again, if we are at all fortunate."

    The Dealkyr War

    by Professor Talaen Toloai of Morgrave University

  • -4,000 YK
    The Fall of the Dhakaani Empire

    "The effects and costs of the Dealkyr War on the Dhakaani cannot be understated. What had once been a machine, every part of it working toward a shared goal. The corruption that the Dealkyr sowed in their society destroyed the underlying assumption of that machinery, and it simply couldn't work anymore. The empire limped on, but hounded by corruption, rebellion, and internal strife, until it finally broke down."

    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire
    by Professor Saan of Morgrave University.

The Current Age

-5,000 YK and Beyond

The Rise of Galifer and events surrounding Khorvaire, culminating in The Last War, leading up to the present day.

  • -3,100 YK
    The Greatpine Oalian is Awakened
    Cultural event

    "The Future Great Druid of the Eldeen Reaches and Head of the Warden of the Woods was awakened deep in the forest one day, no one is quite sure as to why. The Tree doesn't talk about it, and it seems like he might be the only one to ever know"
    The Forest Fighters: Druids in The Eldeen Reaches by Professor Ennis of Morgrave University

  • -2,200 YK
    The First Dragonmark develops; The Mark of Hospitality develops among Halflings in Talenta; Mark of Shadow and Mark of Death appears among Elves in Aerenal
    Celestial / Cosmic

    "In a Strange turn-it seems the first dragonmarks appeared on the halflings of Talenta. After that the elves begin to speak about marks among their population, the mark of shadow presumably. Those who believe in a 13th mark often bring up the vagueness with which Elven scholars describe these marks. While it is somewhat confusing, we have equally confused and vague accounts from Talenta, so maybe there's just something about these first marks that people don't understand."
    Dragonmarked: The Histories of Marks and the Houses built around them by Professor York of Morgrave University

  • -2,000 YK
    Humans come to Khorvaire from Sarlona
    Discovery, Exploration

    "Lhazaar is often considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, navigator in history. Due to her ability to guide what was a huge fleet through the treacherous, and at the time uncharted, Lhazaar Sea (obviously only named after her after she navigated, before it was known as the Sea of the Darkness). Against all the odds she guided the fleet to Khorvaire, first landing on Speartip island and then making their way through the (before unnamed) Lhazaar archipelago, to the Easternmost coast of Khorvaire"
    Humans and Their Impact upon the continent of Khorvaire by Isan Unnat, student of Morgrave University

    More reading
    Lhazaar Principalities
  • -2,000 YK
    Mark of Healing appears among Talenta Halflings
    Cultural event

    "Why the barbaric halflings got the marks that help other people I'll never understand"
    Overheard in the streets of Sharn

  • -1,975 YK
    Malleon the Reaver and Shaarat
    Military action

    "While Lhazaar is remembered as a great and noble leader, not everyone who followed her to Khorvaire were the same. Malleon the Reaver was a human who soon turned pirate. He promised to not attack the fledgling humans colonies after being threatened by Lhazaar herself, and said he would plunder other coasts, as well as map them for the cause. Thus Malleon continued down the coast, attacking goblin and gnome fortresses, until he came upon a great ruin, the fortress of Duur'Shaarat. Upon this he would build another fortress and name it Shaarat, years later it would be named Sharn."
    Sharn: A History Expanding Ever Upward by Professor Eris of Morgrave University

  • -1,800 YK
    Mark of Sending appears among the gnomes of Zilargo
    Cultural event

    "House Sivis provides a service we cannot do without, and they know it, therefore they raise their prices when they know we are coming, and being House Sivis, they have their hands on every bit of information"
    Parliament councilor Seris of Breland

  • -1,600 YK
    House Vol and the Mark of Death is Wiped out, Lady Vol the Lich is created
    Disaster / Destruction

    "There are some theories which posit the existence of a 13th Dragonmark, it should be stated all evidence for this is questionable at best. However, most evidence against it is similarly circumstantial, largely being around the belief that if there were one surely it would have surfaced by now. Some theories suggest it did surface long ago, and was wiped out for some reason, but it is hard to imagine why this would be. If so, maybe we should be thankful they were wiped out, perhaps they held power that we would not wish seen in our world today"
    The 13th Dragonmark: Fact of Fiction? By Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -1,600 YK
    The Mark of the Sentinel Appears
    Cultural event

    "You need some protection, sure you can sleep easy hiring a few sellswords, but you'll actually live if you go in on a Deneith protector"
    One patron to another in Cogs bar in Sharn, the other patron was found murdered later that night

  • -1,600 YK
    Phiarlan Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    "Having grown somewhat distant from their brothers, the elves bearing the Shadow mark, those who would one day become House Phiarlan as we know them today, left Aerenal and settled in Khovaire, living among the human populations there."
    The History of the Elves by Professor Zeldyr of Morgrave University

  • -1,500 YK
    Human Nation States Appear
    Political event

    "Galifer was not the first, even if he would wish us to think it so. There were many others before him that claimed land in Khorvaire, places that still bear their ancient names, such as Wroat in Breland for example."

    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -1,500 YK
    New Marks appear in Khorvaire.
    Cultural event

    "It was once thought impossible for the dwarves to develop a Dragonmark, Kundarak House proved that wrong of course, just as we prove many others wrong. Of course Cannith was there too, trying to steal our thunder, the damn gear heads."
    Oskar d'Kundarak, deep in his cups

  • -1,000 YK
    Karrn The Conqueror
    Military action

    "Karrn was a great military leader, of that no one can doubt. It is with him that the Karnnathi identity as we know it today began to form. However, he was also a cruel man, and perhaps too sadistic in the use of his intellect. It would take another kind of man to truly unite the peoples of Khorvaire."
    The History of The Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University.

  • -1,000 YK
    Mark of Storms Appears
    Cultural event

    "A Lyrander vessel, now that's the highest quality ship you could ever sail, and if you ever have a Lyrander captain, that ship will sail like a dream in even the worst weather"
    Overheard in Brelish Bar

  • -900 YK
    The Mark of Passage Appears
    Cultural event

    "The Lightning Rail, and Orien, are what unites Khorvaire, and that makes people wonder about Orien"
    Cardinal Kia of Thrane

  • -800 YK
    Mark of Handling Appears
    Cultural event

    "People talk about what Vadalis does, stories about abominations in their basements are pretty common, and most end up being true"

  • -800 YK
    Kalashtar Appear in Sarlona
    Cultural event

    "The Kalashtar suddenly appeared in Sarlona, for somewhat unknown reasons the Quori spirits leaving Dal Quor and inhabiting human hosts. Kalashtar do not speak of this reason, and I suppose we cannot fault them for that."

    Kalashtar: A History of Dreams by Professor Dawn of Morgrave University

  • -500 YK
    The Dreaming Dark Invades Sarlona
    Population Migration / Travel

    "When Il-Lashvatar sent his minions forth into Eberron, they began to conquer and lay siege to Sarlona, humans were forced out, but it was the Kalashtar they hunted for. The Path of Light from this point onward would be hounded by the dreaming in the dark"
    Ishara-Coratash, Kalashtar

  • -500 YK
    Mark of Detection
    Cultural event

    "House Medani knows where and how to look for information, be careful if the missus ever hires one!"

    Franz d'Kundarak

  • -500 YK > -493 YK
    The War of The Mark
    Military action

    "The Houses fear what they do not understand, what they cannot control, that is why they set out to kill us"
    Georges, Tarkanan member

  • -493 YK
    The End of The War of The Mark; Destruction of Sharn
    Disaster / Destruction

    "The rock and stone underneath our very feet shook, and buildings around us began to fall. They intended to exact a dreadful price for their death, and they did so"
    Account of A soldier from end of War of The Mark

  • -302 YK
    Riedra Founded
    Political event

    "The Dreaming Dark extended their reach over Sarlona some time ago, and now seek to use it as a stepping stone to the rest of the world"
    Sokesh-Icatan, Kalashtar Freedom Fighter

  • -200 YK
    Iovakas Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    "There are strange ruins deep within the Q'barran jungle, completely lain to waste, nothing remaining, the only place I have seen similar destruction was in Xen'drik"
    Dr. Massi, Notes from his recovered Journal

  • -45 YK
    The Birth of Galifer I
    Life, Birth

    "One must wonder what was thought of this humble prince at the time of his birth, did they know what we would go on to create?"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -41 YK
    Border Wars Begin
    Military action

    "One wonders if the kings before the unification could have expected such small skirmishes to eventually bring them all to war, and to be the catalyst for the unification of the five nations."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -24 YK
    Galifer-I becomes King of Karrnath
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    "The Prince had proven himself in battle, and to be shrewd in his politics, a deadly combination that would soon unite the nations behind him"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -14 YK
    Galifer-I Begins the Unification Campaign
    Military action

    "With the largest army the realm had ever seen at his back, Galifer-I marched out and began to conquer his world"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -7 YK
    Pact between Galifer and The Dragonmarked Houses
    Civil action

    "Before Galifer-I marched across Khorvaire the Dragonmarked houses were something akin to kingdoms of their own, but when faced with Galifer they were given a simple ultimatum: serve him and his united kingdom or be destroyed. Until recently they followed this instruction to the letter, but we will talk about that later."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • -2 YK
    Mark of Finding Appears
    Discovery, Scientific

    "This mark used to help us hunt and survive in the marshes, now we use it to hunt down the worst criminals the world over. Times change, but we're always gonna be hunters"
    Sid, Half-Orc Tracker of House Tharashk

  • 1 YK, Year of the Founding of the Kingdom
    The Unification and Beginning of the Kingdom
    Era beginning/end

    "Finally the Five Nations were united, with governorship of each of the former kingdoms falling to Galifer's children while their father had ultimate control. And thus began the reign of the kingdom of Galifer, which would last just under 900 years."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 15 YK
    The Founding of the Arcane Congress

    "Galifer-I decided that all the forces of Khorvaire would be put to the service of his new unified kingdom. Therefore he founded the Arcane Congress, to study the mysteries of magic and to use its power to advance his kingdom"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 28 YK > 38 YK
    Galifer-Lhazaar War Begins
    Military action

    "The heirs of Lhazaar are nothing if not independent, and do not take kindly to threatening that independence. Thus when King Galifer-I came, looking to add the archipelago to his united kingdom he was resisted, just as his ancestor Karrn was when he attempted the same"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

    More reading
    Lhazaar Principalities
  • 32 YK
    New names, and an old city
    Cultural event

    "The old names of the kingdoms that Galifer had conquered were replaced by the names of his children that now held dominion over them, and thus where we get our current names for the Five Nations. Yet the more things change the more they stay the same, as the ancient city of Sharaat would now rise to become the city of Sharn that we know today."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 40 YK
    Galifer-I Steps Down
    Political event

    "In his old age Galifer established what would become the tradition, to pass the crown to the eldest child of the king, in this case to his daughter Cyre. This tradition would be followed until the advent of the Last War."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 53 YK
    The Death of Galifer I
    Life, Death

    "The nation he had built mourned for their first king, and he was the first to be entombed in the grand mausoleum of kings in Cyre."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 106 YK
    House Kundarak Recognized
    Political event

    "They other houses view us a bit differently, they didn't trust us enough when they first banded together, took a bit of convincing on our parts to finally get in, but dwarves are patient, so we could wait."
    Wolfgang d'Kundarak, heir of House Kundarak

  • 299 YK
    The Founding of the Church of the Silver Flame

    "in 299 YK a volcanic eruption disrupted some ancient wards on a demon held beneath Thrane, and it was roused to awaken once more. The whole of Khorvaire might've became a conflagration were it not for an auspicious individual, Tira Miron, who first heard the voice of the flame and became a vessal for it, rallying Thranish forces to face the demon and seal it once more. Tira Miron would sacrifice herself in the flame in the aftermath, in order to become the voice of the flame we all hear"
    Flame Against the Darkness: The Silver Flame's Presence in Khorvaire by Cleric Aisha

  • 347 YK
    Creation of Stormhome

    "There were some political maneuvers that Lyrander had to pull, but in the end Aundair was willing to part with the island for a small fee."
    Dragonmarked: The History of The Dragonmarked Houses by Professor York of Morgrave University.

    More reading
    Khoravar (Half-Elves)
  • 498 YK
    Discovery of the Mark of Finding and Creation of House Tharashk

    "It was a surprise to find people in the Shadow Marches to begin with. We thought we might find a new beast for Vadalis to experiment on or something. But to find out they had a dragonmark we didn't know about was frankly amazing. I still remembering rushing out a sending spell as fast as a I could"
    Elci d'Sivis, House Sivis Explorer

  • 512 YK
    Starpeaks Observatory Created
    Construction beginning/end

    "In order to better try and observe the planes and moons of Eberron, King Daroon ordered the creation of the now famous Starpeaks Observatory"
    Reigns of the Kings of Galifer by Professor Kral of Morgrave University

  • 600 YK
    Clan Noldrun disappears
    Disaster / Destruction

    "There are many theories about what happened to Clan Noldrun, even more about why. At the end of the day though all that can be said is that one day, their mountain hold was found empty, with no one there."
    Horigg Soranath, Historian of Clan Soranath

  • 797 YK
    Mordain the Fleshweaver excommunicated from House Phiarlan
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    "The horrors of your experiments are too depraved to be revealed to this tribunal, and are beyond the ken of the sane mind to explain."
    From the transcript of the tribunal of Mordain the Fleshweaver

  • 802 YK
    Expansion of Stormreach
    Civil action

    "Both the kingdom and the Dragonmarked houses decided that Xen'drik would be worth the money spent to develop a permanent colony on the continent. A beachhead from which the rest of the continent could be discovered."
    Xen'drik: The Land of Giants by Professor Kral of Morgrave University.

  • 811 YK
    First Lightning Rail
    Construction beginning/end

    "The Lightning rail would come to unite most of the continent of Khorvaire, but its beginnings were small, House Orien had to lobby for quite some time before they could actually lay their track down. The results, however, were marvelous to say the least."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 832 YK > 882 YK
    The Silver Purge
    Disaster / Destruction

    "With fire and silver did the clerics of the Flame go about about their work, the purging from Khorvaire of all Lycanthropes, and a good deal of shifters as well. They carried this out with no feeling of who they might be effecting, whether these people-for they were people-deserved their fate."
    The Darkness of the Flame: The Purge Told by a Survivor by professor Ruby Silvermane, Shifter professor of Morgrave University

  • 845 YK > 865 YK
    Unification of Central Khorvaire by Lightning Rail
    Construction beginning/end

    "King Jarot's Last great act before his death, which of itself turned out to be a great act, was the commissioning of House Orien to construct their lightning Rail network across Khorvaire, uniting the Five Nations with lands as far away as Talenta."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University.

  • 878 YK
    The Discovery of Blackroot Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    "In the land of what is today Droaam, there are reports of a strange black tower rising near the Shadow Marshes, however there are no reports from Droaam on the nature of the tower, and no other reports about the tower from its discovery. Aside from a apparent sense of dread described in the discovery logs."
    Report from a House Tharashk scout party.

  • 878 YK
    Goblinoid Mercenary Forces
    Cultural event

    "Some people worry about having goblins as their mercenary force, I often point them to a book about the Dhakanni, remind them how that martial prowess is still in each and every one of them. Reminds them that we weren't the first ones here, and if anything, we're second best."
    Roger d'Deneith, Heir of House Deneith

  • 887 YK
    Putting down the Omaren Revolt
    Military action

    "Stormreach saw its first revolt shortly before the advent of the Last War, when Castel Omarran, Stormlord of the Omarran family, rose up to try and overthrow the other Stormlord's. Of course, the other Stormlords understood this and let the family keep their position, with heavy sanctions of course."
    Crow, Veteran sailor and inhabitant of Stormreach

  • 894 YK
    The Last War Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Succession disputes, while not unheard of in the upper reaches of power, had never extended so far as to effect the king of the kingdom. It was tradition after all, yet it would seem that the governor's of Breland, Thrane, and Karrnath decided to do away with tradition, and did not support the rise of Princess Mishaan of Cyre to the throne. Thus the kingdoms would be thrown into a century long conflict, that would take an untold number of lives."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 896 YK
    Order of the Emerald Claw Established

    "Karrnath was weakened immensely in the early years of the war, and found themselves needing any and all aid they could get. To that end, a group of fanatical knights were founded and joined the ranks of the Karrnathi fighting force. This group of knights would continue to be a headache for Khorvaire up until today."
    The Claw by Professor Kral of Morgrave University

  • 897 YK
    Karrnath Sworn to Blood of Vol
    Cultural event

    "In order to simply survive the war, Kaius I would need as much help as he could get, and from anywhere he could get it. In desperation he turned to the Blood of Vol in order to revitalize his failing nation. They came to his aide, likely saving Karrnath in the process, an act which would be repaid by kicking most of the priesthood out at the end of the war."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University.

  • 910 YK
    Kaius I disappears and is succeeded
    Life, Death

    "Kaius I body was never found, believed to have been destroyed during the battle of Brothers Bridge. His son Kaius II would take up the crown of Karrnath in his stead, and proved himself to be an aggresive leader."
    Karrnath: Iron and Blood by Professor Amadeus of Morgrave University

  • 914 YK
    Mror Hold Independence

    "No longer bound by oaths made to kings of a kingdom that no longer truly existed, the dwarves of the Ironroot Mountains seized their political independence and became the Mror Holds as we know them now."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 914 YK
    Death of Thalin of Thrane
    Life, Death

    "Thalin of Thrain, one of at the time five claiments to the throne of Galifer, died at the battle of Lake Galifer facing Aundairian forces, apparently struck down by their general and thrown to the lake below, leaving no heirs. In his place The Church of the Silver Flame would claim governance of the nation, establishing the Theocracy of Thrane and stabilizing the nation in the time of political strife."
    History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 918 YK
    Glass Tower Falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    "While Sharn itself was never attacked or laid siege to, truly perhaps the only place that can say so, it still had troubles to deal with. Sabotage was a constant threat, and struck many times during the war, but most spectacularly with the glass tower. One of the oldest floating citadels in the city, its enchantments keeping it aloft were dispelled. While most of the structure luckily fell into the Dagger river harmlessly, some of it struck the old region of godsgate, killing hundreds. A bit of a ritual has surrounded these events the last few decades, of carving ice sculptures and flinging them into the dagger river in a recreation of the event."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 928 YK
    Settlement of Q'barra
    Population Migration / Travel

    "People were growing tired of the constant death of that the war had brought, broken by war and loss, they sought out someplace new and beyond the strife of the war. The jungles of Q'barra offered that to the people, and many people took their chance at a new life and ran with it."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 946 YK
    City of Stormreach under Siege
    Military action

    "Lost in the commotion of the war, a force of giants laid siege to Stormreach in 946, Stormreach sought aid from all the Five Nations, but none could give their aid due to the conflict. Stormreach may very well have been lost were it not for the relief of the giants from the Rusheme group. This event helped to add to the feelings of independence from Khorvaire."
    The Land of Giants by Professor Kral of Morgrave University

  • 956 YK
    Valenar Forces Enter Khorvaire
    Population Migration / Travel

    "The Dhakanni had made a deal with the elves of Tairnadal to leave Khorvaire, and never come back unlesss invited. When Cyre, seeking forces to strengthen their claim, sought out the mercenaries of the Valaes Tairn to assist them for coin. The Tairnadal had not forgotten the terms of their exile from Khorvaire, and viewed this as fulfilling an "invitation." Cyre had expected a force of Valaes Tairn to come to their shores to aide them, not the whole population of them to arrive from Aerenal and quickly claim the coast as their own, and begin to fight Cyre as well."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 958 YK
    Eldeen Reaches Declares Independence
    Political event

    "The Eldeen region had been left and ignored by the forces of Aundair for a long time, but-feeling the divide between the peoples were too great-the people of the Eldeen cast off their service to Aundair and sought protection from the druids of the Wardens of the Wood, and leadership from their wise leader, The Great Druid Oalian."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 961 YK
    King Boranel Becomes King of Breland
    Political event

    "The line of the King of Breland was shortened immensely by the war, and when king Boranex ir'Wynarn met his end he would pass the king to his third born, a youth in his 20s who until then had been an adventurer and rapscallion in Xen'drik. Little was expected from him, yet he would go on to become one of the greatest kings of Breland."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 962 YK
    Zilargo Allies with Breland
    Diplomatic action

    "Zilargo, heretofore a neutral nation so as to claim the largest amount of profit from the war, finally declared as an ally for Breland in 962, a political move that implied its equality to the other nations, while also getting their largest and most dangerous enemy off of their back. A political masterstroke really."

    "The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 965 YK
    Warforged Appear
    Military action

    "The advent of the Warforged by House Cannith changed the war almost immedietely, all the nations were soon scrambling for their own unfeeling legions of metal. And of course, House Cannith reaped a large financial benefit from this, their creation forges firing overnight to meet the demand. I do not think they realized the effects that their creations would have after the war, although perhaps they never planned to have the war end at all."

    "Discussion Forum on Warforged at Morgrave University" quote by Professor Fang of Morgrave University, a Warforged Professor

  • 969 YK
    Founding of Darguun

    "Haruuc is possibly the greatest military mind the goblinoids ever produced. Had he been born in the age of the Dhakaani he would've had soldiers deserving of his greatness. Today he has but a shadow of the greatness of the Dhakaani legions serving him and he still managed to carve out an area of the world with them"

    General Victor Rezina of Karrnath, following The Last War

  • 972 YK
    The Shadow Schism

    "People were distracted by the war, but right in the middle of all of it an unprecedented event occurred, the splintering of a Dragonmarked house. Heralded by a slew of Assassinations across the continent of the Paelion branch of the Phiarlan, House Thuranni declared themselves independent of House Phiarlan"
    Dragonmarked: The History of the Dragonmarked Houses by Professor York of Morgrave University

  • 976 YK
    Emerald Claw is Outlawed
    Political event

    "Queen Moranna, as the crisis in Karrnath ended, found an easy way to start to make diplomatic ties to the rest of Khorvaire, kick out the Blood of Vol and continue worship of the Sovereign Host. Perhaps we should spare a thought for the seekers of the blood here, kicked aside as soon as it was politically advantageous to do so. Yet terrorism is not the best way to cope with things like this.
    The Claw by Professor Kral of Morgrave University

  • 980 YK
    Queen Aurela Rises to the Throne
    Political event

    "May this Queen guide Aundair to a new era of prosperity and success, as the rightful heir to the throne of Galifer!"
    Speech from the Day of Queen Aurela's Coronation

  • 986 YK

    The War for Droaam Begins
    Military action

    "The daughters gathered us at the Great Crag, and told us of their vision of a place where we were the leaders. Where we were not cast aside and ignored but stood proud to the world, and told the world we were here to be counted"
    General Zireael "the Queen of Stone", Gorgon, and Grand General of the Droaam Army of Liberation

  • 987 YK
    Breland Retreats from Droaam
    Military action

    "Fighting against the forces of the Sisters was proving to be costly in the war effort, at a time when resources were in short supply. King Boranel made the only smart decision, and pulled back. This allowed for the hags to exert their power, over what they now claimed as their new nation"
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 988 YK

    Monsters in the World

    "Droaam wasted little time in expanding its influence, a new nation cannot rest on its laurels as it has none. Thus is brokered agreements with the Tharashk House, and you begin to see the appearance of organized groups of "monsters" appear in Sharn

    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Prefessor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 990 YK
    Airships Appear
    Scientific achievement

    "Airships were something that took us a lot of work to create and master, we aren't about to just let their secrets go so easily."
    Keshic d'Lyrander, Lyrander Engineer

  • 991 YK
    Kaius III Ascends the Throne of Karrnath
    Civil action

    "The infant prince Kaius III, kept safe in a royal mansion for his entire childhood, ascended the throne of Karrnath in the last few years of the war. He is noted for the strong family resemblance to his grandfather, and wisdom in statecraft."
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire  by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

  • 992 YK
    House Tarkanan is Formed
    Criminal Activity

    "Using names of power from the far past, a new force has appeared in Sharn that wields the powers of the aberrant dragonmarks. We cannot be certain what they intend for their powers, but their targeting of enclaves of Dragonmarked Houses may give us some clue as to where their fury will lead them"

    Leonardo d'Deneith, Detective Seeking out Tarkanan Secrets

  • 993 YK
    Jaela Daran Becomes Keeper of the Flame
    Celestial / Cosmic

    "Jaela Daran, then 6, became the Keeper of The Flame upon the death of the Lavira Tagor the previous Keeper. Someone who has spoken with the Flame since the tender age of 4, her abilities are quite prodigious and she has made several miracles already during her time in the position, even if her political power is somewhat lessened by the fact that she is, well, 11.
    The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire By Professor Saan of Morgrave University

    More reading
    The Last War
  • 994 YK
    The Day of Mourning
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Then it was gone. I saw it with my own eyes, a wave came rushing over the land, a wall of mist and death that took everything with it. I thought I was dreaming, that it couldn't be real."
    Viri Deschamps, Aundairian doctor at the Cyran border, Eyewitness to The Mourning.

  • 996 YK
    Signing of the Treaty of Thronehold
    Diplomatic action

    "To say the Thronehold Treaty is the greatest achievement of diplomacy is in no way underestimating it. The amount of political wrangling that was required to even get these people in the same room was staggering. If it resulted in anything it would be impressive, that it resulted in the greatest treaty in all of Khorvairian history is nothing short of a miracle"
    An Account of the Thronehold Treaty by Professor Fang of Morgrave University

  • 996 YK
    Dolurr's Dawn
    Discovery, Exploration

    "A strange appearance was recorded by the scouts today, a town has appeared in the outer forests of Western Droaam. Contact was not made with the locals, but it appears to be a small village of about 100 people of different races. No record has been made of any town in this vicinity before now"
    Report from Dresh-kar d'Tharaskh, Thraskh Scout

  • 997 YK
    Refugee Crisis in Stormreach
    Population Migration / Travel

    "People look for hope. The War took that from us. Homes destroyed, lands burnt, friends and family dead. So we left in search of hope, and here we are, in a new place where we're gonna look for hope and a new life."
    Robert Falls, Refugee from Breland

  • 998 YK
    The Future Awaits...
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Who knows what the world has in store?