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The Founding of the Church of the Silver Flame


299 YK

"in 299 YK a volcanic eruption disrupted some ancient wards on a demon held beneath Thrane, and it was roused to awaken once more. The whole of Khorvaire might've became a conflagration were it not for an auspicious individual, Tira Miron, who first heard the voice of the flame and became a vessal for it, rallying Thranish forces to face the demon and seal it once more. Tira Miron would sacrifice herself in the flame in the aftermath, in order to become the voice of the flame we all hear"
Flame Against the Darkness: The Silver Flame's Presence in Khorvaire by Cleric Aisha

A volcanic eruption rouses a bound overlord beneath Thrane, but Tira Miron rallies the forces of Thrane to oppose the force and is able to defeat it. Tira Miron sacrifices herself to the flame to become a intermediary between Khorvaire and the Flame, and the Church of the Silver Flame is founded.

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