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The Shadow Schism


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"People were distracted by the war, but right in the middle of all of it an unprecedented event occurred, the splintering of a Dragonmarked house. Heralded by a slew of Assassinations across the continent of the Paelion branch of the Phiarlan, House Thuranni declared themselves independent of House Phiarlan"
Dragonmarked: The History of the Dragonmarked Houses by Professor York of Morgrave University

The Shadow Schism Occurs, splitting House Thuranni off from House Phiarlan   The event, set off by the sudden assassination of the entire Paelion line of the Phiarlan house, began when Viceroy Elar Thuranni d'Phiarlan heard word that the Paelion family was scheming to assassinate every leader of the Five Nations and centralize power in their family. Elar received this information from Gaven d'Lyrander, a seemingly neutral third party with no stake in the matter. Much debate rages over the reason for this split, many saying organizations such as the Emerald Claw may have fabricated the evidence of this conspiracy, and used Gaven as a mouthpiece.

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