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House Vol and the Mark of Death is Wiped out, Lady Vol the Lich is created

Disaster / Destruction

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"There are some theories which posit the existence of a 13th Dragonmark, it should be stated all evidence for this is questionable at best. However, most evidence against it is similarly circumstantial, largely being around the belief that if there were one surely it would have surfaced by now. Some theories suggest it did surface long ago, and was wiped out for some reason, but it is hard to imagine why this would be. If so, maybe we should be thankful they were wiped out, perhaps they held power that we would not wish seen in our world today"
The 13th Dragonmark: Fact of Fiction? By Professor Saan of Morgrave University

The House of Vol, and its Mark of Death, is destroyed due to combined actions by the Dragons and Elves of Aerenal.

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What few house followers that could raise Lady Vol to a state of Lichdom and flee to Farlnen in the Lhazaar Principalities. All records of the House of Vol and the Mark of Death are destroyed.

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