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Dhakaani Fight the Lizardfolk

Military action

-19,000 YK

"There is evidence of some large scale battle between a Dhakaani city state and a force of Lizardfolk in Talenta. It appears to have been a complete rout for the Lizardfolk, with them scurrying into the Endworld Mountains. Skeletons of Lizardfolk found in the passes suggest many more died in the travel to Q'barra."
History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

The goblinoids push the kechuala (lizardfolk) out of the Talenta Plains and into the Endworld Mountains. Many of the lizardfolk that survived the goblin armies die in the mountains. The small remaining fraction make their way into the jungle of what is now Q'barra.

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