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The Last War Begins

Disaster / Destruction

894 YK

"Succession disputes, while not unheard of in the upper reaches of power, had never extended so far as to effect the king of the kingdom. It was tradition after all, yet it would seem that the governor's of Breland, Thrane, and Karrnath decided to do away with tradition, and did not support the rise of Princess Mishaan of Cyre to the throne. Thus the kingdoms would be thrown into a century long conflict, that would take an untold number of lives."
The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

King Jarot, the last ruler of Galifar dies. Thalin, Kaius, and Wroann reject the succession of Mishann. Wrogar backs his sister's claim, and the Last War begins. Jarot forced his son, Wrogar of Aundair, to swear to support Mishaan; the rest of them were not there for their father's death, and were not bound by any such oath.

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