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Glass Tower Falls

Disaster / Destruction

918 YK

"While Sharn itself was never attacked or laid siege to, truly perhaps the only place that can say so, it still had troubles to deal with. Sabotage was a constant threat, and struck many times during the war, but most spectacularly with the glass tower. One of the oldest floating citadels in the city, its enchantments keeping it aloft were dispelled. While most of the structure luckily fell into the Dagger river harmlessly, some of it struck the old region of godsgate, killing hundreds. A bit of a ritual has surrounded these events the last few decades, of carving ice sculptures and flinging them into the dagger river in a recreation of the event."
The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire by Professor Saan of Morgrave University

Unknown saboteurs destroy the Glass Tower of Sharn.

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