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House Tarkanan is Formed

Criminal Activity

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"Using names of power from the far past, a new force has appeared in Sharn that wields the powers of the aberrant dragonmarks. We cannot be certain what they intend for their powers, but their targeting of enclaves of Dragonmarked Houses may give us some clue as to where their fury will lead them"

Leonardo d'Deneith, Detective Seeking out Tarkanan Secrets

A group of disavowed Brelish commandos establishes the criminal organization known as House Tarkanan in Sharn.   This group was once a part of the intelligence division of Breland-The King's Dark Lanterns-and consisted entirely of people with aberrant dragonnmarks. Considered expendable, they were sent on suicide missions until they rebelled against their handlers. They were led by Thora Tavin, now going by the name Thora Tarkanan.

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