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The Progenitor Dragons and The Creation of The World

Celestial / Cosmic


"And the great progenitors discovered the prophecy, and all the world lay out before them, but the brothers Siberys and Khyber disagreed on the prophecy and did battle against one another. Khyber would be victorious, but Khyber did not expect their sister, Eberron, to leap upon him, and deal him a mortal blow."

The Dragons account of the Progenitors

In the mythic past, the world was one and the progenitor wyrms, the first and greatest of dragonkind, ruled all. The three most powerful—Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber—discovered (or possibly created) the Prophecy-that which foretold all that would happen in the ages to come. A world-shattering struggle followed between the three, splitting the world into three parts and scattering the Prophecy across the width and breadth of existence. In the end, Siberys became the glowing ring that surrounds the world, Khyber was bound in the darkest depths, and Eberron healed the world between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth the next generation of dragons, Eberron created all manner of other living things, and Khyber spat out the fiends.

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