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Druidic Magic Appears among the Orcs and the first Sects are founded

Cultural event

-15,000 YK

"While the Dhakaani grew in their martial power, the Orcs were being taught a new kind of power, Druidic magic. The origin of this power is debated, Gatekeeper traditions speak of a teacher from a faraway land, but describe little else about this mysterious teacher. There is also some thought that perhaps the orcs always had this power and it only just was recognized. The answer remains clouded though."  

The History of the Peoples of Khorvaire 
by Professor Saan of Morgrave Univeristy

The dragon Vvaraak, in response to a portion of The Prophecy he had been studying, begins teaching the orcs druidic magic. These orcs become the first Gatekeeper druids.

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