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Cree is the third largest city on Lake Galifar, but has some of the most valuable exports in the Reach, in the form of high quality textiles and craft materials. Canals spread through the city like arteries, providing the primary means of transport and divide the city into three major sections; the docks, the industrial area, and the marketplaces. Three major families dominate most of the trade and industry in the city and occupy leading positions in the government.


Population: 32,000
  • Humans 45%
  • Half-Elves 16%
  • Shifters 16%
  • Gnomes 10%
  • Halflings 4%
  • Elves 3%
  • Orcs 3%
  • Other 3%


Cree has open democractic elections to elect a mayor, treasurer, warden, and justicar. Each person has a cohort of civil servants to perform their tasks.   The mayor, currently Malachai Bandt, is in charge of overseeing the city government and diplomatic relations with the other settlements. Lastly, they settle non-legal disputes among Cree's citizens and delegate responsibility to the necessary position.   The treasurer, Luciana Valentino, is in charge of public funds, setting new economic laws and guidelines, and the collection of taxes and tarifs from its citizens and foreign merchants.   The warden, Contessa Ferrara, is in charge of maintaining peace keeping forces and border patrols, focused heavily on naval activity. They are also in charge of the docks and ensure the flow of people and goods is accurately scribed.   Lastly, the justicar, currently Giancarlo Cattaneo, is in charge of enforcing laws and resolving legal disputes between groups and presiding over criminal trials. They also maintain an historical record of events in Cree, for posterities sake.


Cree is a walled city with heavy fortifications on its lakeside end and limited access into the port, via a heavy portcullis large enough to fit a ship. At each intersection in the canals, portcullises are placed to quickly shut down travel via water and to trap vessels.   Heavily armored soldiers armed with rapier and heavy crossbow patrol the city and guard towers are stationed at canal intersections and surrounding marketplaces.   The Golden Sun Mercenary Company also operates out of Cree, and offers their services to those who want to keep their activities quiet, or to protect goods traveling outside of the Valentino-owned merchants vessels.

Industry & Trade

  • Luxury Clothing
  • High-Quality Thread
  • Refined Metals and Tools
  • Pottery
  • Dyes
  • Paints
  • Wine
  • Oil



The docks of Cree around found in the center of Cree on the lakeshore's edge. With a capacity to fit up to twenty merchant vessels at one time, it allows for a large amount of trade to flow in and out of the city. Control of the docks belongs to the Valentino family and they approve any and all ships wishing to make port.   The ship's manifest must be provided at the dock, and the ship be made available for inspection. A fee of 5gp per day is required to dock at the port, and anyone caught flouting the rules finds themselves facing the barrel of fifteen cannons and the threat of expulsion or imprisonment at the Hold.   Dockmaster Gregory Valentino runs the docks with cold efficiency.


The shipyards sit adjacent to the docks, and are available to all who have authority to dock at Cree. A 20gp assessment fee applies to any vessel seeking repair, not including the cost of repairs itself.


Thirty storage warehouses occupy an entire block next to the docks. Two thirds of them are owned by the Valentino family and storage space within them is rented out for a weekly fee. The other third are owned by the other major families of Cree, or by wealthy independent merchants. Aside from the Banca di San Valentino, the warehouses are the most guarded and secured area in all Cree.   Heavily armored guards patrol the warehouses, lookout towers sit at each corner, and heavy iron gates lock off the two entrances into the warehouses, creating checkpoints that screen every individual or transport vessel attempting to enter.


A network of tunnels was built below the ground and the canals, and water taken from the canals is used to flush waste far out into the lake. Access to the sewer is done by wells setup in each block, with seals to keep the smell from escaping into the city.

The Donkey Bed

Affectionally name 'the Donkey bed', is a large stable managed by the city, and is used to care for riding and pack animals, as well as provide parking for wagons. Such animals and vehicles are prohibited from entering the city due to the lack of space on the cobblestone streets and canals as an alternative. It costs 5cp per beast and 3cp for a wagon, per day. A 10% discount applies for paying for a week upfront, and a 25% discount for a month or more, non refundable.

Harvest FIelds

The Harvest Fields is the name for the orchards and vineyards that surround Cree to the north. With medditeranean climates, produce like olives, tomatoes, grapes, and avocados are grown. Majority of the produce is exported in exchange for grains and vegetables from other regions of the Reaches.   As the production of this food is so crucial to Cree's survival, the city itself, managed by the elected Mayor, owns the farms and rotates workers to tend the fields.


The city of Cree was once marshland inhabited by fishers but as the village expanded into a town, and then a city, work was done to drain the land to create firm ground for the construction of large houses. With nowhere to run the water to, they expanded inland and created channels to concentrate and guide the water.   As a result of this, they found the surrounding land had become enriched by the water flowing from the lake and started farming many of the staple crops that the city relies upon as an export. Additionally, the canals created natural pathways to transport goods through the city from the lakeshore. A few large bodies of water were kept within the city to help with congestion. Most noticeable, the Intersezione del Canale - or Canal Intersection.

The Cree Mausoleum

Aftrer the expansion of the city, and the creation of the canals, the traditional cemetary did not have enough space to hold the ever-growing number of deceased. With little room to grow in the city, a section of land outside the city walls was designated the Mausoleum of Cree and used to inter the dead.   Rows of headstones surround large tombs of chiseled stone. Statues emblazoned with the symbols of the Sovereigns are interspersed throughout the graves. There are a few crypts adorned with icons sentimental to the families with enough wealth to afford their contruction. Gravetenders roam the fields of the dead, cleaning up dead flowers and decaying offerings, and performing general gardening to keep the area presentable.


Banca di San Valentino

The Banca di San Valentino is the largest, and most commonly used, financial facility. Run directly by Luciana, the bank can be used to store gold and valuables within its vaults, in exchange for an enchanted promisary note that can be redeemed by anybody who knows the passcode set when the note was activated. Additionally, loans and escrow services can be provided for merchants and entrepeneurs.

The Floating Market

In the center of the city is a lagoon where barges and small boats interlink with wooden planks and ropes to create makeshift pathways. Stalls and stores are setup under canopy on the water for people to explore. Merchants from all over come to the Markets to sell their wares or discuss trade with other merchants.

Mercurio's Curiousities

The only established business buying and selling artifacts and magical trinkets. Run by Federico Mercurio, a portly man with a spruce mustache and boisterous personality. A variety of simple enchantments, potions, and scrolls can always be found, and a few choice items of rarer quality. Federico is always interested in purchase new items, at a fair price, or to elecit the help of adventurers to retrive whatever his current obsession is.

The Hammering Bull

The Hammering Bull is a large smithy run by the Ferrara Family. Raw ingots are shipped in from mines all over Khorvaire and quality metals are produced for exporting, as well as commissioned orders of tools, weapons, and arms. The twin chimneys on either side of the building, and red glow emitted by the forges, gives the building the appearing of an angry bull.

L'amarido Cattaneo

The Cattaneo Wardrobe is the textiles and embroidery workshop responsible for the crafting of the finest clothing outside of Sharn and old Cyre. A fashion-show runway has been built out the front of the workshop and high-prestige events are held frequently for the wealthy.

Town Hall

Guilds and Factions

There are three major factions within Cree, three mercantile families that initially banded together to build Cree from a small fishing village into an economic powerhouse on the Galifar Lake.   The Cattaneo Family is one of the founders of Cree and a major faction within the city. They hold a monopoly on the production of textiles in the city and are famed for their luxury clothing. Nobles from all over Khorvaire pay good money for the silk and cotton clothing made by their seamstresses. Lead by Giancarlo Cattaneo who is also the Justicar of Cree.   The Ferrara Family is another founder of Cree and one of the three major mercantile factions within the city. They dominate the leatherworking and metallurgy business within the city. They are lead by Contessa Ferrara who is also the warden of Cree.   The Valentino Family is the last founding family of Cree and major mercantile faction within the city. They occupy most positions within the docks and run the Valentino Bank of Cree. Their leader, Luciana Valentino, heads the bank and is the treasurer of Cree.   The Bandt, headed by Malachai Bandt, is a small and newly formed group that has advertised itself as a wedge to break the stagnation and monotony of the existing triumvirate. They have succeeded in having Malachai put into position of Mayor in the city, where he hopes to bring in new trade opportunities from Droamm.


Cree was originally a fishing village established on the shores of Lake Galifar in 580 BG by proto-Aundairians looks for their own lands. Over time, merchants found Cree to be a good place to trade with other merchants sailing along the lakeshore or traveling by land from further north.   Three families; the Cattaneo, Ferrara, and Valentino families established themselves as the most successful and capable at their own fields and over time more people flocked to trade with them or find employment under them. Cree has since grown tremendously in size, becoming one of the major trade hubs on the lake itself, with goods flowing between Aundair and Breland.   During the war, Aundair imposed heavy taxes and demands for processed materials to fuel its war effort and many settlements within the reach became disillusioned with the demands. They seceded and joined forces with the Wardens of the Wood. After this, Aundair blockaded the lake and prevented trade from Passage into the newly founded Reaches.   Alone, cities like Cree and Varna were unable to negotiate trade deals with anyone for fear of retaliation by Aundair's naval forces so the cities banded together, forming the Galifray Alliance and using collective bargaining were able to re-establish trade routes and keep the cities from collapsing.   Since then, and especially after the war's end, the Alliance have acted in a united front to strengthen their negotiation power, though internally the families still squabble and conflict occasionally crops up.


Very few remnants of its fishing village origins remain, with most buildings replaced by cobblestone, stucco, and clay buildings. Dense apartment blocks and large manses are divided by canals that criss-cross through the city and most transport is done via canal boat. Brightly coloured terraced roofs are matched by vibrant and multicoloured walls, in a mismatched and chaotic pattern.   A large, grey, heavy stone wall stands in stark contrast to the colourful interior as it wraps around the city and acts as a barrier against the open lake at its edge.  

Food & Culture

Fish from the lake, olives and tomatoes from the fields around Cree, and vegetables and grain from Varna; make up the bulk of a Creean's diet. Wine from grape orchards to the north, ale and beer from Varnese grain, and rum from sugar fields to the west are staple alcohols, of which many Creean's frequently partake in at all times of the day.   Food, drink, and commerce are the central pillars of Creean society, with many celebrations happening everyday across the city in apartment blocks or on boats in the canals. Young braggadocios roam the streets, challening each other for clout and territory, though guards keep them from involing innocent third parties.   Business contracts and debts are taken deadly serious, oft times escalating to blood feuds which can span generations.
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