Dhok Steambolt Character in Eberron (archived) | World Anvil
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Dhok Steambolt

The Meeting at Passage

I received a letter in the form of a paper bird, it said they are looking for adventurers and asked me to head to the Wayfinder Chateau in the Upper Terrace to meet which I assume would be Lord Boromar ir'Dayne.   Upon arriving I was surprised to see the four people I met along my travels in Eberron - a very welcome sight to see after my many ordeals around, a trustful bunch that I feel safe with.   Boromar told us about the Arcane Congress of Arcanix and how they are after any and all information about artifacts we come across in our travels. We were also told to head to a lesser forest amongst the plains near Mosswood to find the ruins of Rhuukan'shaarat (Crownblade) which used to hold an academy of elite troops.   We were told by Lord Boromar that upon completion of our quests we would be rewarded 100 platinum pieces for each task we finish.   We went to the Harbour and talked to the somewhat racist Harbourmaster who told us that there was a ship called the Galifreet that was leaving the next morning. We headed over and met the captain of the flame covered ship, Arxes is his name. He agreed to let us travel with him for a fee of 14gp per person.

Zora'kas & the Eldritch Forest

hehe now i know

Æthelwulf & the Ancient Ruins

Adventure #1. (8 days) Aethelwulf wandered to the settlement of Gorgonhorn, where he became aquatinted with Dhok, having little else to do Aethelwulf accompanied Dhok on his journey to see if an ancient ruin along the Mournlands border could be fortified. The duo spent many days following the borders of the Mournlands having a few light skirmishes with weak monstrosities. As the duo traveled along one morning they heard an unusual scream from the Mournlands parting through the clouds of the Mournlands came a dwarf seeming as if it had been flung with great force. Landing and skidding across the ground stopping right in front of the duo, it was obvious that he was well and truly dead. Finally, the party made it to the ruins and Dhok began his amateur exploration and excavation of the sight, it was a strong position and could be fortified. The duo delved deeper into the ruins when they came across a formless eldritch horror, struck with unimaginable fear the two wanted to turn and run but found the burden of lifting their feet too great. Dhok briefly for a moment snapped out of his state, closing his eyes, he dragged the mesmerized Aethelwulf from the clutches of the horror. The two split up the next day both having restless nights unsure of what they had witnessed.   Dhok heads back to Gorgonhorn to report back to Tagron his brother about the ruins and the horror that resides there before heading north away from the horrors.

Esidisi & The Haunted Ruins

Meeting in a tavern, Esidisi and Dhok started to talk about the horrors of the Mournland and the war that took place. In the town we were staying at, we heard local rumors of haunted ruins in the Whisperwood. Intrigued by this we set off to investigate. While we went to investigate we realized that what we were facing was beyond our capabilities, but they would not leave the ruins. Knowing this we venture back to town and tell the folk there that they should not go near the ruins if they wish to live, but will not be haunted any longer.

Kai'okoa & the Shipwreck

Kai'okoa   Tasked with recovering a chest from a shipwreck lost during the war. I travelled to and met up with Kai'okoa in Thaliost and then caught a boat to Stormhome. We were successful in recovering the chest which was heavily locked. Out on the water we encountered a storm that left our boat non-functional and stranded on a small island. I worked to repair the boat while the other crew argue about opening and taking items from the chest to replace what they had lost. While waiting for boat repairs a raft of Sahuagin attacked us and one crew member perished. I was able to repair the boat with the wood from the raft and we made it back safely.