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Capital: Flamekeep   Hallmarks: Divine magic, fine crafts, fruit, livestock, the Silver Flame, textiles, wool   The modern Church of the Silver Flame was founded in Thrane, and most of the people of the nation follow this faith. During the Last War, the people of Thrane chose to set aside the rule of the monarchy and to embrace the leadership of the church. For the last seventy years, Thrane has been a theocracy. The head of the state is 11-year-old Jaela Daran, the divinely selected Keeper of the Flame. Jaela depends on the Council of Cardinals to perform the practical work of running the nation. The primary purpose of the Silver Flame is to defend the innocent from supernatural evil. The church has always had a militant aspect, with battalions of templars and peasant militias prepared to face undead, lycanthropes, or other monstrous threats. But compassion and charity are core values of the church, and the templars are tasked to defend all innocents. Even during the Last War, if a fiendish threat arose in a Brelish village, Thrane templars would ally with the locals to bring an end to the threat. Not all Thranes rise to this ideal. Zealous Thranes believe the church is destined to reunite Galifar under the Silver Flame, and corrupt priests are interested only in power and wealth.   Not all priests are clerics, and the typical templar is a mundane warrior. However, due to the deep faith of its people, Thrane produces more clerics and paladins than any other nation in Khorvaire.
Geopolitical, Province

Articles under Thrane


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