Welcome to Eberron in Eberron Campaign Setting | World Anvil
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Welcome to Eberron

Welcome to Eberron.

  Specifically the continent of Khorvaire , a land of skyscraper castles, lightning rail trains, flying airships and warforged automata! In this place magic is indistinguishable from science and the arcane is woven through everyday life.
  With the Treaty of Thronehold barely four years in the past, the five nations of old and the seven new lands contest their might in covert missions, diplomatic struggles and proxy warfare. Meanwhile the people of the Dragonmarked Houses play games of intrique and gold controlling important industries like medicine, communication, transportation and more. All this and more goes on above meanwhile the long banished Daelkyr and even the children of Khyber look on covetously from their inprisonment. The newly minted peace following The Last War is fragile at best. After 100 years of war none of the surviving nations fully trust each other, not even their allies.
  The Eberron setting embraces swashbuckling action and pulp adventure while adding a layer of noir intrigue. Daring heroes battle villains in high-stakes instances of over-the-top action, dealing with narrow escapes and ominous mysteries that threaten the world’s safety. But stories don’t always end well, villains sometimes succeed, and there isn’t a perfect answer to every problem. Magic is common, and weaved through everyday life. Blacksmiths use mending for minor repairs, Continual flame lamps light the streets of the great cities, and bound elementals power lightning rails and airships. Magic is also harnessed for power, greed, and corruption. Eberron a world painted in shades of grey, where both heroes and villains come in all races, classes, shapes and sizes. It’s just as likely that the innkeeping gnome next door is an evil assassin and the tribal orc in the swamp is a holy druidic guardian. A metallic dragon is just as likely as a red one to fall under evil’s influence and a coven of hags brings more stability to a region, instead of chaos. Not even religion is black and white: the gods don’t manifest physically, and wielding divine magic to keep evil at bay requires faith in the unseen.

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