Darguun Organization in Eberron | World Anvil


Goblins and their kin have always been a disenfranchised people, living almost exclusively in Darguun. Many of goblinkind have a quiet resentment for most other races, as they tend to eschew the goblins. Many goblins dream of a day where their kind is seated above all others in a position of power and militaristic might.   The land now called Darguun was once part of Cyre. The hobgoblin clans known as the Ghaal'dar were based in the Seawall Mountains, but during the war, the demand for mercenaries drew an ever-increasing number of goblins out of the mountains to fight for Cyre and Breland. Late in the war, a brilliant hobgoblin named Lhesh Haruuc Sharaat'kor recognized that the goblins had become the dominant military power in the region. Uniting the Ghaal'dar under his banner, Haruuc seized the territory he was supposed to protect. The Five Nations were unprepared, and Breland quickly negotiated an alliance with Haruuc to secure the border. Cyre fought the goblins until the Day of Mourning, but the majority of delegates involved in forging the Treaty of Thronehold chose to recognize the new nation of Darguun to ensure peace.   Darguun is a young and volatile nation, ruled by Lhesh Haruuc Sharaat'kor. Haruuc remains a brilliant strategist and tactician, but many wonder whether he can maintain the web of alliances that hold the Ghaal'dar together, and whether he and his people will be content to abide by the terms of the treaty.
Dark Six
Founding Date
953 YK
Geopolitical, Clan
Government System


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