Session 36: Still a Dangerous Dungeon Report in Eberron | World Anvil

Session 36: Still a Dangerous Dungeon

General Summary

What 1860s Blacks Must've Felt Like

  • The xvarts were dead set on getting the Crypt Crew to be their slaves. The party had returned to the third floor from defeating the creature below, but the small sniveling creatures quickly came knocking. Viribus and Lumen answered the door, but quickly closed and secured it when they saw who it was.
  • The other door, however, was perfectly unsecured, and a separate squad of short blue meanies came in to claim their slaves.
  • Viribus, however, quickly assumed the guise of the champion of Raxivort, saying he was tasked to slay the creature below and keep the individuals around him - the Crew - as his own slaves. This was enough to spook and convince the small group of xvarts, but the speaker of them went to go consult with his leader, Beepblub.
  • The Crew decided to follow them to this Beepblub, with Viribus leading the charge. Beepblub was visibly different than the other xvarts, and clearly much less of an idiot. Viribus was navigating the conversation well nonetheless, but made a few too many insults for Beepblub's liking, both against the xvart colony and Raxivort himself.
  • Viribus talked Beepblub out of contacting Raxivort, but Beepblub demanded half of the Crew's number to stay as slaves. They convinced them of the resilience of N'nchyk's minions, but things quickly went south when Beepblub reached for the sleeping giant behind him, and Viribus quickly reacted with an Eldritch Blast.
  • Beepblub turned out to be quite the formidable opponent, wielding powerful and spooky magic. Most of the Crew tried fighting their way to the only known exit, but weren't soon enough to beat Beepblub there. He restrained both Maleakos and Lumen, and filled the space with a noxious green gas.
  • Xvarts and their minions swarmed the Crew, and several members fell. Only Viribus and his summoned specter managed to stay behind and defend the unconscious body of Philip before the lagging Dooturr and Thanos caught up.
  • [Other subjective details of the battle have been omitted for the sake of controversy by the request of the DCMA.]

Character(s) interacted with

  • Beepblub, the xvart speaker
Date begun:
18 Olarune, 998 YK
Date ended:
18 Olarune, 998 YK
Party level:
Still 7 :(
Report Date
28 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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