Crypt Crew

The Crypt Crew is a curious collection of adventurers that first met in the city of Sharn. According to Sir Theobald Evans, they all attended a screening of the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild in the hopes of joining. They set off on a journey to join the noble organization, and made themselves known to the city in a most prominent way.   The extent of the Crew's power is yet unknown, but what is known is that we haven't seen heroes united like these in centuries. Each of them is unique in their own particular way, coming from their own very different walks of life. A recurring theme seems to be that they often embrace themes that some wish to reject. Maleakos and Dooturr (See "Members" below) proudly walk tall against racial prejudice. N'nchyk uses his gifts to embrace the circle of life in new and unexplored ways. Viribus seems to channel his very life force into a shield to protect himself in battle. Even Ashpin and Verin, the half-elves, reject the idea of "walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither".   It's unknown whether or not the Crew members knew each other prior to the CAG commitment. The natural synergy and teamwork among them certainly suggests this to be the case. However, if not, then it's merely a stroke of divine luck that these remarkable individuals united at once to protect our city from dangers both known and unknown. (See below for Crypt Crew History.)  


Ashpin Guen, Thrane. Ashpin is a handsome half-elf that handles himself on the battlefield as well as any social gala. He has long seemed the voice of the party, though of course, he respects the input of all his fellow Crew members equally. After training with the paladins of the Silver Flame, Ashpin fought valiantly on the battlefield of the Last War before traveling to Sharn, uniting with his fellow Crew members and adopting each of them under his leadership.

N'nchyk, Breland. N'nchyk is the eccentric mycologist that hails from the wild lands of northwestern Breland. The triton has a particular talent with all manners of mushrooms and fungi, and has begun advanced research beyond almost any other found in Breland. Professor Quillicarious von Palting of Morgrave's natural studies department says that, remarkably, N'nchyk has managed to imbue lost corpses with the magic of fungi to bring them back to a semblance of life!

Maleakos Padovana, Aundair. This charming tiefling from a humble town in Aundair has quite a penchant for wanderlust. He studied with the bardic College of Lore for several years before embarking on a journey to wherever the wind took him. He has a particular gift with the art of magic, and his knowledge of the world knows no bounds. His talent is evidently hereditary, as his father, the notable Ronnie Padovana, was once invited a seat into the Esoteric Order of Aureon, which he politely denied.

Dooturr Calico, Mournland. Indeed, according to thanatology experts at Morgrave University, a particularly intelligent race of skeletons has been created from the horrible catastrophe of The Mourning. And yet, while these new beings have caused havoc in other parts of the continent, and even our country, Dooturr has been the paramount example on fighting oppression and stereotypes as the first skeleton in history to become a Clifftopper and recipient of the Golden Cog.

Viribus, Karrnath. The young veteran who goes simply by Viribus rivals Ashpin with his talent for the silver tongue. Very little documentation could be found about Viribus, but such is often the case with former veterans of the Last War. Regardless, Alden d'Orien in particular speaks highly of him, and it seems the Crew has good reason to trust the mysterious man.

Verin, Breland. Verin the half-elf is the only one of the Crew who is a native of Sharn - and he knows it better than anyone. After a humble upbringing in a Sharnite orpanage, Verin has nurtured his magical talent to help defend the defenseless amongst Sharn. And he has nurtured it well, now becoming a member of both the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild as well as the nominal Crypt Crew.


1 Zarantyr, 998 YK. Even before setting off on the adventure to become Clifftoppers, however, the Crew established themselves as virtuous defenders of the city. When Droaam attacked the city on 1 Zarantyr, 998 YK  , Sir Theobald Evans and the Crew valiantly fended off the monsters.
5 Zarantyr, 998 YK. According to scions of the house itself, the Crew rescued a hostage lightning rail and eliminated Shiksu, an individual responsible for humanoid trafficking and torture. They also managed to rescue some of the victims involved in Shiksu's schemes.
21 Zarantyr, 998 YK. The generous Crew helped organize a meet and greet with the struggling Phoenix Orphan Home in order to raise awareness for the Home and other deteriorating orphanages throughout the city. Tragically, on this date, the nation of Droaam once again attacked, and the Crew once again put their lives on the line to once again stand against the monsters of the west.
23 Zarantyr, 998 YK. Each member of the Crypt Crew was recognized for their generosity, bravery, and integrity on behalf of Sharn and the Sharn Council. Each member was awarded the revered Golden Cog, the highest honor the city could bestow. Additionally, the city arranged a lot of land north of the city for the Crew to call their own, to hopefully "make use of this gift and remain close to this glorious city — whether physically or spiritually".


Founding Date
998 YK
Adventuring Party


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