The Giant Origin of the Quori Document in Eberron | World Anvil

The Giant Origin of the Quori

The following is a transcription between Aegothiaryss of the Wandering Tale and 8th month Soli Vuduin in relation to the origin of the quori, the inhabitants of Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams, on 13 Barakkas, 995 YK.   Call it "The Giant Origin of the Quori." Get it? It's a play on words...the giants, and its significant - what am I saying, of course you don't get it, I haven't told you yet.   Where were we? Ah, quori. Quite ancient history. Now…imagine the world 85,000 years ago. The primordial coautls have sacrificed their lives to destroy the first demon lords, and the race of giants have emerged from the ruins on the continent of Vrigan. They are a powerful people, but in many ways cruel — enslaving the first elves and the drow.   The powerful and now-reclusive - well, mostly reclusive - dragons eventually made contact with these powerful giants. They were intrigued by the younger race, and taught them about the powerful magic of Zyddrydem. The giants were excellent learners, and created arcane wonders that have yet to be replicated in the modern day, even by the greatest smiths of the Mror Holds and most skillful weaponmakers of the Dhakaani.   There was the Blade of the Burning Promise: the two-handed sacred relic sword, wielded by the war leader of the Sulatar. And, of course, the Elixirs of Antiquity, powerful potions with the ability to harness frost and shape the wind itself. And who can forget the Sanguineous Tome? An ancient text that details the powerful rituals of the Shapers of Night, the sect of ancient Vrigan elves. You friends with them?   Just as the giants reached their apex of knowledge and might tens of thousands of years later, living nightmares themselves took physical form and attacked the giant civilization. If there was a reason why, it was lost to history. Perhaps the giants had grown too powerful, or the nightmares had grown restless. These living nightmares were called quori.   It is said that the Giants called upon their most powerful magic of the dragons to destroy a moon in order to defeat the living nightmares. The magic devastated and scarred their continent, in a way not unlike your own Mourning.   Chunks of Vrigan were plunged beneath the sea, and the connection to the nightmares was permanently severed. But the giants would never recover. Horrible curses and plagues still sweep through the land, and the elves use the opportunity to rebel. In desperation, the giants again turn to the same magic they used to stop the quori to try and quell the elves.   Before they can unleash such destruction a second time, the giants’ former teachers and mentors — the dragons — attack. Giant civilization crumbles, the drow go into hiding in the Vrigan countryside, and the elves flee to the island-continent of Haleth, where they now reside. An uneasy equilibrium, induced by the creatures known as quori.   And now? Well, who knows. I've heard things, but I hear a lot of things. Some old friends say the quori are no longer cut off, and now reside in a long-forgotten land. Is this true? How did they return? What do they want this time? Questions, certainly, that a loremaster like yourself might wish to answer, no? Now how about a drink?
Record, Transcript (Communication)
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth


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