Fort First Tower House Deneith Job Board
Fishy Business
"Please help a community in need with our fishing harvest. We don't have a lot of money to pay, but we are in desparate need of someone to help us."Details -
Location: Eastdock, 4 days N of First Tower
Pay: 125g
Flora & Fauna
"Morgrave Univ Biology Dept is looking for individuals to collect samples in the King's Forest"Details -
Inquire: Prof. Ludweig, office 323 Boristel Tower, Morgrave Univ., Upper Central, Sharn
Location: King's Forest, 3-4 days
Pay: 100g
Noble House Hunting
"The honorable family of Landelayn ir'Daleyvan is seeking honest and trustworthy souls to prep their hunting lodge for the upcoming hunting season. Only those with references and the highest, most upstanding scruples need apply."Details
Inquire: 71 W. Danning Rd, Wroat
Location: King's Forest, 4-5 days east of First Tower
Pay: 350g
"Its like a cliche, but I have rats in me cellar and I need rid of them so that those House Gallanda reps will give me my endoresement."Details
Location: Cherries Pub, First Tower
Pay: 50g
Where's Willy?
Please, PLEASE, my husband went trapping in the King's Forest and I haven't heard from him since. I have no money, we are poor. I need those with good hearts to help us out. May the Soverigns guide you to my door.Details
Location 12 C. Wares Way, First Tower
Pay 25s, my grandmother's broach and a hot, hearty meal
I feel we should take up the "Old Gar Must Die" job since we need as much gold as possible and don't have the references for Noble House Hunting.