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Zaviyar Kah'tallaal




Towards Zaviyar Kah'tallaal


Zaviyar Kah'tallaal


Towards Sha'Teerah


Year of Birth
980 YK 18 Years old
Sha'Teerah (sister)

Start Journey to my sister in Shadow marches

Vark...boat guide. Has a wooded leg. Taking us Thalorn Heart to find sister. Harvester mines his own dragon shards. Nila the druid may know where she is. Checking on a gate keepers seal while traveling to Thalorn Heart. Go see broom hilda as she will be our only next hope. This is from the old council in Thalorns Heart. Took my blood and sent out a message to my sister. The promise...Really big dragon shards from Temple with my sister. I will bring one back to boom Hilda. Temple is guarded by a big evil demon. There to retrieve something big and powerful. Protectors protecting the protector. The book before dalkeer the three where put here/demons. The seals where basically the first seals to be used. We are at a branch where they are are inbetween pofiecies. Creation of a weapon the doom cleaver forged to bring about lightning. This weapon was forged to fight the 3 coming by an acient dragon. Sisters cycles are same thing designed for this fight we will need to journey, the queen fay had it forged. Got to get the sword myself. We may have a cousin. The Bone tree tibe to take us into the temple. Snake like evil creatures in temple. Killed the snake got sword and 1 full 5ft dragon shard, 2 large broken ones.


Guildmaster Nev at the Guild that is following me. Guy following us told us where to go. Contract on us was just to follow no violence. Hired them to find the person who put contract on us. Its the shadow marsh lady The are washing the contract. small town druid mek mekler The town name Kelfet Guy taking us Trent who was hired by Kaluuk Grylnit the guild contract lady Druids are going to slow shadow marsh lady/morganth is her name Grand Druid Gomash Dyrn The Destroyer first one gate keepers locked up and the daelkyr They are using people to get at us We are heading north to find my sister at the end.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

To my Nikki, Zarash'ak

To my dearest Nikki! We have arrived in Zarash'ak with no other issues on the water. This town is amazing. When I was younger my mother always spoke of this town and the marshes. I never realized there could be complete town's built on water. Once arriving we traveled to the Gate Keeper home which we received as much help as we could gather. It did give Tails and fluffy a chance to play as around this place was trees and wildlife thanks to the druids. I have warned them the prophecies are coming true and we need to stop it. My current goal is just to beat this evil to my sister. Anyways back to Zarash'ak wow. I wish you where here it is quite amazing and very bustling like your town but with very little land around. No book stores here though which was a little disappointing, but the center of town was amazing and was where all the trade happens. When we where going through town to find the gentleman my mom was friends with and said could be trusted Sir Gareth was pick pocketed by a little thief of a kid. Luckily I caught him and got him money back. This trip is breaking us all though and we are low on gold. Hopefully one of these battles we keep running into will produce some income. It would have been nice to have more while here to buy some of the awesome goods they have here. We do know who we need to speak to here and are awaiting his arrival back from the mines. Hopefully this will lead us closer to the end. Every night when I go to sleep I only can fall asleep thinking of you and look forward to coming back and starring in your beautiful eyes. I will write again hopefully soon. With these letters is a gift for you. I thought you may like these.   With great love!   Zaviyar the Gate Keeper and Watcher of the Glen.


Show up and our boat guy Leek. Here to find Korgluuk. Sir Gareath found out from bartender he will be here in two days and gave his apt. # Got 10 doses of healing from watcher/Druid place. 40+4 health. House Sivas to deliver emails. 9 gold spent at Zarash'ak. Send 2 letters and dragon geo book ends to Nikki. Still need to type second one up. 14 Being followed by ork with long blond hair. Stopping and eating then going to try and reverse the following.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

To my light at the end of the tunnel

To my dearest Niki! I have not stopped thinking about you since we left. It was so great getting to know you and I can not wait to continue our conversations. Since you want to see more of the world I decided I would start writing to you about this crazy adventure I am on. If I repeat anything I have already told you, I am sorry, as I don't really remember all I was blabbering out, as I was too busy starring into your enchanting eyes. It is so crazy to think one day I was in our little Glen and next I was fighting to keep my grandmother from being pulled into the portal by the demons. Then off on a journey to fight yet more crazy creatures, see the stars from the observatory, fight 2 sided demon goblins, face the almighty witch Alibali baba (I will have my DM correct that spelling as I failed to write it down in my notes) and walked away, fought harpies and lived, and now we where attacked by filthy sea hags, these things are super ugly and mean, and killed 11 of the crew. I have never seen anything like it and the way they could scare people with just a stare. I can't but help to think that the Shadow Lady with a half face is behind some of this trying to slow me down. It does not matter though we will prevail as the the lives of who are left and the lives that are lost are dependent on our success! The lively hood of all nations is at risk right now with the 3 trying to fulfil this prophecy. They will start with the forest and spread quickly. The prophies must be changed! Through all of this I continue to look for the good in the world. When I traveled to the observatory to find my grandmother was taken also I was shown the stars. They where beyond breath taking, I hope to take you there one day you most definitely would love the library they have, anyways I never thought I would see something so beautiful yet powerful beyond looking through that glass, then I met you! You truly give me something to drive for and to look forward too. You are the light at the end of my tunnel! You are also my good! Well the waves are getting choppy I will fill you in more when we get to land.   With the deepest of love and respect,   Zaviyar the Gatekeeper and Watcher of the Glen!

4/16 The start of the travel to find my sister

Going to find my sister before the half face witch finds her also known as the Shadow March lady. Bring Sir Gareth up to date on this crazy bitch. We still really need a magic user in the group. A solid Druid would work. My sister maybe if she has not been taken. Also talk to Sir Gareth more about him and why exactly he found me? How did he know I was the one to look for? No matter what we need to be back in Greenheart in 5weeks to get more info on where the library is. We could really use some treasure as I am burning through mom's gems. How can we close the divide that was created in the earth. Definitely need more help with that. Seams a lot of things are steaming back to the library that needs to be found. Got to find that book. We need to find out how to stop or reverse this prophecy and the stars aligning against my blood line. Still don't understand why my blood line what makes us so special they are coming for us. Is it that we are protectors/watchers? Are we the only ones that can stop it so they are coming for us first? Do we hold something that is the key/answer? At this point Zaviyar has lost most of his family and is becoming angry and bitter at the gods and the world for not providing protection or answers for his family. It seams many knew this was coming but no one prepared properly for it nor warned/talked about it. Why? Top topic still is the same how in the heck do we stop this evil progression and the destruction of the forest. START OF SESSION The two that made me a Gatekeeper. Hecteal ork/druid Jeqlyn Ork/Ranger We found 7 antique marbles treasure from harpies. Tavian d'savis dragon mark era. Andel D'lyrandar higered Tavian. Big orck Kethra D'tharashk two battle axes. Meet first coming into Yrlag. Bavis D'ghallanda of the Golden Dragon Inn. Nikki the daughter of the book store owner, say goodbye have her keep researching. 2 months ago. Watcher of cave. Research in the book. All prophecies come from the dragon prophecies. Watcher of the lakes home is most likely where the book is. Veltor and his ship the little lover. Sea hags attack us on our way to Zarash'ak. May hold us back 2 days. 11 of the crew killed.              

Session 3/16

Go warn cousin to go back to village, go home and see if mom and dad left any clues and check tablet, Go see fathers mom (gma). They took my aunt and cousin now, not dolgreens but black shadow creatures (wraths). Dyrrn the destroyer may be a problem. Check one of seals on way, Looks fine so does tablet. Got some money and nice arrows from home. Set traps at home and did what I could for the animals and let the rabbits go. Pendant gem for necklace that dad use to wear have grandma check it out before I wear. Stone of Good luck. Get to the observatory on the 10th. Grandma and best friend taken. Stars (chaos) are aligning against my blood line. Learn gatekeepers history. Possibly has nothing to do with the tablets. Watchers Prophecy grandma talked about it. Greenheart talk to Oliean. Watcher of the cave. Dimensional seals are intact. Going to weaken the protection of the three tablets/stones that we protect or the two that are left. The stars once in alignment will bring complete chaos. Shadow march lady looking for my sister. Gunther in the town of Zarash'ak The Dragon below is one of the ones coming. Kyber evil dragon. Prophecy's of the watchers. Twilight demense usually has watchers. Disturbance between the gloaming and the corrupted woods. Sir Garath knight of the silver flame. Brilicks journal. In the watcher prophecies. Precklin girl and nalfic boy. Druid-Neptone lives by the twilight demesne friends of Kekalah. Kekalah is going too see babieockah. The prophacy of the watchers. Kekalah is dead. There where 7 watchers. Will be a celebration, the 3 will dance and sing. The crossing of chaos with the third line of watchers. Keep checking seals when in area. The destroyed observatory might hold the library. In 5 weeks all gatekeepers and watchers will be in greenheart.

Notes in-between sessions

I don't seem to get a lot of answers on what is going on. Either everyone wants to play dumb or no one wants to tell me. Answers should be able to be gotten in the Grove of the Guardian trees? Possibly if not getting answers from everyone else go there if for nothing else to meditate. So if the druids created the tablets why have they not gotten more involved in fixing this? Why are there not thousands of druids here to help? Is there not a Druid council that should be doing something about this? What does sharrat know? (warden of the woods in our town). Prepare for adventure. See blacksmith and what he may be able to help me with as far as better weapons with a higher damage level, or even better yet undead weapons. It is evident from what knowledge I currently have this is going to be a war against the dark forces. It will be a war that if we lose they will take over the forest. This causes more concern even yet to go the the Grove to warn all and recruit help! I think that may be the next big play recruiting help before our clan also is wiped out like the clan of Tel'raak! Ask DM what the observatory can see? How far over the forest can you see from there? Get Grandma to safety before they come back. Possibly the Grove would be a good answer there also?

3/1 New day

The three. Saved grandma from being pulled into the portal. So many questions???? First they took Mom now they came for Grandma? Why? Why do they want our women what do they have that they need? Where the hell is my sister? We need to find her now she is in danger!! How do we stop the three? Let's not lock them up again lets kill them or would it be easier to put them back in and destroy them from inside? See what questions of these my uncle and grandfather can answer. After all the answers and some more thinking maybe set a trap up. Use grandma as bait get a large team and we jump into the portal and go get mom back! This needs to happen after we get sister safe and heavily guarded! We need magic help to help us from getting enchanted again so we can execute the plan (if that ends up being the plan just one thought). We need a team to go to the final tablet also and make sure the third one does not get out or away. Have tails and fluffy use the power of the forest creatures to get eyes on that tablet and communicate back to us if something goes down. Hmmm Zaviyar digresses and is tired from a hard battle. Time to eat and sleep and clean these filthy demon guts off! Get cleaned up and go see Gruumshella to get healed.


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