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Watcher in the Woods Warden

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standard Masculine form of his era of Warforged

Body Features

His body, not seen much care during his stint in the woodlands, has developed rust and wear in different spots across his body, although, though some basic repair, it has remained functional

Facial Features

Standard Warforged features, a featureless faceplate with a hinged jaw

Identifying Characteristics

Ghulra The mark on Warden's forehead is Unique like that of all Warforged, it appears to be a crescent, with a central diamond shape, and several smaller lines extending off of it.

Apparel & Accessories

Although not necessary, since leaving the army Warden likes to express themselves through the collection of feathers and wearing some clothes, simple slack. complete the look, as well as a standard Issue military pouches (repaired many times) and a bandoleer of vails and tools

Mental characteristics

Personal history

973 YK - Created 8 years after the first perfected Warforged by House Cannith, designation WX-4445, Fully trained as an Artificer and alchemist, purchased by Aundair to fight on the Western Front   974 YK - Intergateded into a squad, enacted exclusions against Breland and The Eldeen Reaches Sargeant: Meritamen - F - Human Artilarist - Warden (Fours) 9 Recruits
  • Denis Ruhlad - M - Human
  • Ulrich Axeswallow - M - Human
  • Bernard Silvereyes - M - Halfling
  • Wolfgang Gummen - M - Gnome
  • Jacques Regalcut - M - Half-Elf
  • Joan Regalcut - F - Half-Elf
  • Gillette Leagallow - F - Halfling
  • Mary Spiritbeam - F - Human
  • Lucia Vusk - F - Human
    979 YK - After much success and comradery, nicknamed "Fours" by squadmates   980 YK - Although hostilities with the other nations had ended, Their squad was tasked with continuing Guerrilla skirmishes against the Eldeen Reaches to try and take the land back for Aundair.   981 YK - One such mission the squad was ambushed by a group of Shifter and Human fighters deep within the Eldeen, outmatched Fours suffered a significant blow knocking them in-active   ??? YK - Unknown amount of time after this event their visuals came back online but they were still unable to move, they sat for what felt like an age watching the forest life go by observing changes in behaviour and weather patterns, swearing at times voices could be heard in the wind and rain...   986 YK - Is discovered by Azug on patrol of the area, being kind of heart Azug heals the Warforged and frees them from the plants that bound them
  • Is unformed that Aundair has slowed there assault on the reaches after too many losses and Azhug hasn't personally seen any forces for some time, he offers Fours some respite at his camp, for lack of a better option they follow
  • during this time Azhug teaches Fours of the Druidic to practise, telling them that the voices they heard in the wind were those of Ebberon speaking and such language can be used to manipulate the forces of nature if applied properly.
  • -Away from the conflict for a time, gave Fours some time to acclimatise to these teachings and began to practice animal tending, gardening and herbalism
  • Showing a keen interest in the natural world Azhug told Fours of The Gatekeepers and the way they have been protecting the world from the threat of the Delkyr lords of centuries and he would only teach the true Druidry to those that would forward this cause, having a know
  • Shocked by this revelation and with no distinct purpose Fours dedicates their life to this cause, wising to protect the natural world they grew to appreciate in the time they spent here
  • 987 YK - Fours begins learning Druidism to enhance his Artifice from Azhug and accompanies him on his journey around the Reaches to assist those that need it   994 YK - Word travels along the tribes that a terrible magical cataclysm has occurred in the nation of Cyre, large scale conflict has ended   997 YK - The Fall of Bull Hollow, Warden is now left with only the horse they stole as company they name them Glen

    Gender Identity



    Trained for war by House Cannith since their creation Tinkering and Alchemy - 973 YK - 974 YK Was trained by the Gatekeeper Azhug in Basic Druidism - 987 YK


    Aurdairan Military Artillerist - 974 YK - 981 YK

    Failures & Embarrassments

    When first he needed to travel by riding horse, was bucked off and left a Warden shaped dent in the path behind     997 YK - Allowed Bull Hollow to fall to the Delkyr

    Mental Trauma

    17th Aryth, 997 YK - Wittnessed Mentor and Freind Azhug be eaten by a copper Dragon

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Innate curiosity since creation found unusual comfort in the mixing of elixirs and arcane tinkering and thus House Cannith nurtured and weaponised such interests, since the Treaty of Thronehold, Warden's curiosity of the magic of the world has only strengthed   Taught to be respectful to his humanoid "superiors" Warden is polite and respectful to everyone, sometimes to the point of not speaking out if necessary

    Morality & Philosophy

    Strongly believes you should always, the best of your ability, leave somewhere better than you found it.

    Personality Characteristics


    His former motivation was to do as he was told and not end up a pile of scrap but now that has expanded to wanting to use his talents to protect the natural world from aberrant forces and make his late mentor proud. Guiding Aspect - The river's endless flow reminds you of the great span of the world. You seek to act with the long-term interests of Nature in mind.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Was made and taught to follow orders so when faced with figures of authority he falls back into soldiering habits.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes - trinkets related to animals found on the battlefield, (feathers, bits of hair, scales), and would always try to care or interact with the warbeasts. has become fond of gardening and the colour purple. The sound of rain   Dislikes - Spawn of the Delkyr, Copper dragons, abuse of living things that can't fight for themselves., Hot weather (Causes his metal components to swell and squeak)

    Virtues & Personality perks

    Determined, won't put innocent lives at risk, however small.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Of curious mind, if knowledge is on the table his interest is peaked. Will go out of his way to help an injured animal or plant regardless of personal risk or cost

    Personality Quirks

    And old War habit, Warden will analyze—out loud—the potential threat posed by every creature they meet.


    Fell out of cleaning habits outside of society so much rust and mildew has occurred on his body that he has no had desire to clean, but understands the need for cleanliness when in towns and villages.




    Towards Warden




    Towards Azhug


    Lost Last War soldier, found new purpose though druidic practice

    View Character Profile
    N/A uses Male Pronouns
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Taught Common my House Cannith, but was able to pick up other languages in his time, including Orc, Gnome and of course Druidic

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    A Letter to Joan/Jaquces
    5th Terendor 999YK

    Dear Joan Regalcut, I hope this letter finds you well, turns out that the spear to the back didn't permanently deactivate me, who knew? I'd love the opportunity to reconnect with you, especially since given the research I did to contact you it turns out there aren't many of the squad left and I feel like some good should come of that terrible time. Since then, all those years ago, I've been very busy, I was reactivated by a druid of the shadow marches and he taught me about his magic that uses Eberron herself as a power source, been travelling mostly, trying to take in as much of the world as possible and meeting with some fine people and together we even saved Sharn from a dragon attack, as outlandish as that may seem. It appears nearly going dark forever does put a new perspective on things, I cannot wait for exploring as much as I can of my newfound freedom. If you wish to reply, I can be reached via the House Orien enclave in New Cyre, I look forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully, Warden (Formally WX-4445/Fours)

    A Letter to Wolfgang
    5 Therndor 999yk

    Dear Wolfgang Grummen,   I hope this letter finds you well, turns out that the spear to the back didn't permanently deactivate me, who knew? How are you doing, do you still practice artifice? I'd love the opportunity to reconnect with you, especially since given the research I did to contact you it turns out there aren't many of the squad left and I feel like some good should come of that terrible time. Since then, all those years ago, I've been very busy, I was reactivated by a druid of the shadow marches and he taught me about his magic that uses Eberron herself as a power source, been traveling mostly, trying to take in as much of the world as possible and meeting with some fine people and together we even saved Sharn from a dragon attack, as outlandish as that may seem. It appears nearly going dark forever does put a new perspective on things, I cannot wait for exploring as much as I can of my newfound freedom. If you wish to reply, I can be reached via the House Orien enclave in New Cyre, I look forward to hearing from you   Yours faithfully, Warden (Formally WX-4445/Fours)

    Error Log_14_06_998_21-22
    14th of Nymm, 998YK

    Damage assessment... Processing...   Armour Compromised, Multiple lacerations to appendages... Pain, so much pain   Move... Why can't I move? Motor functions... Inoperable. Verbal functions... Inoperable Huh a stroke of fortune some might say   Assessing... Alchemical fluid draining... 80%... 70%... 60% he's going to deactivate me, I'm going to die   Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Lei? Sie? please, I need help   Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Azhug... I failed you, I'm sorry   Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immed... Processing...   what... it's letting me go?   Alchemical Fluid remaining - 35% - Recoperiating...   is that Geth? Run, man run! I'm dead weight Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately   Wait, the tree... oh no... no, no, NO   Critical damage sustained, seek artificer immediately Dragon below... I GET IT!   Motor function... Active   Optics... Active   come on mate, you ain't dead yet... let's finish this

    The Twisted Forms of Xoriat - WIP

    This time at sea was considerably easier given our mode of transport, our captain is an interesting fellow, He joined us for dinner the first night, I was happy to share my life story with him but his interest was more within tales from The War, that Terfel was happy to share, who is the only other person to have any to tell. I find a bit of a boor, to be honest, War is work, such as it is, I lack the strong national ties of others I suppose, and talk of suppering feels wrong to me. Though we can all sympathise when Captain Vennet mentions Siege of Narath, long after I... left the army, everyone knows the story, however, how an army of Audarian Soldiers sacked an entire village of Karnnathi civilians under the orders of General Haldren ir'Brassek. Killing in a combat scenario is one thing but the taking of innocents that don't fight back feels wrong, I think I would of followerd Meritamen in going AWOL if I had been able, such a waste of life.   Anyway, Captain Vennet drops us off at Zarashak after using his seaboard Deplomacy with some people they called Sahuagin, apprently these are their waters so a toll must be paided, and who am I to judge, I liked their sharks though, wish I could have asked them some questions. Zarashak is a typical swamp town and we and the Mist Walkers set out to find any clues as to where we might find these potentail Gatekeepers

    You're Marked!
    13th of Eyre, 998 YK

    Hello Journal,   thought it time to update you on the recent goings-on my life. We have arrived back in Sharn after parting ways with the prince a few days ago, since then we've had a chance to have a see a lot more of this quite frankly humungous city there was a time I'd have found such a place fascinating, however, these days I find the lack of nature disturbing. It can be found of course, but only in pockets and cracks in the pavement, and it is such a shame, I must ask a native how they feel about such things when I get the chance.   Once arrived we head to a district called High Walls, Where many displaced Cyran's can be found, including Terfels former squad from the war. finding them wasn't difficult, High Walls is little more than a slum, another tent city, where they have to contend with darkness and damp as well. Despite these odds, the Cyrans general demeanour is pleasant and welcoming, in fact, the acting mayor of the district and a former advisor to the Queen of Cyre herself, Teral ir'Soras invited us to dinner so he could interface with us I suspect. Clearly he is a people person although there was something off about him to me. During the dinner, I absentmindedly touched Azhug's Gatekeeper Stones and were freezing cold. This immediately set me on edge after the dinner was concluded, I periodically checked the stones and the aberrant signals fluctuated frequently, this doesn't confirm anything yet, It could have something to do with Mourning exposure but as I don't receive such signals in New Cyre so I think my concern is well-founded.   Although we all have concerns about this, we must figure out what is causing people to go missing and as city living goes, we require a more regular source of income to pay for the stay and eventual return to New Cyre. Where better for us wanderers than an Adventuring Guild, We headed to one we heard of in the higher district called the Clifftop Adventures guild, the handler Lhara gives us the in's and out of the day to day operations would be if we were to join. The terms seemed reasonable at the time and we accepted, and then she requested we leap from a building. This wasn't some form of long-winded assassination but a competitive game of chicken leaping from one of the highest towers against representatives of the opposing guild the Deathsgate Explorers club, least they were kind enough to give us all Feather tokens. It was an eventful fall, I believe I got a face full of bedsheet and glass. However, Terfel and I won the day for our new guild. Lhara was quite impressed with us all and offered two contracts for us to pursue: a bounty hunt for another of Dax's kind from Q'barra and a collection and delivery from Blackbones in the lower city, we acquire both. As we fell, however, it was impossible not to notice a blinding light and the sound of running and screaming in the Dura district as we fell, so of course, we had to investigate, and on one of the bridges, we find a woman surrounded by three guards and a crowd that seemed most agitated. That is when we saw it, the Aberrant Dragonmark on her forearm still pulsing with magical energy. I admit that my experience with Dragonmarks is somewhat limited, being only that of the House Cannith Artificers that made me and my people. Most marked are revered members of the Houses, but I believe the same can't be said for the Aberrant marks, and those that possess them are considered extremely dangerous. However, in this instance, no destruction or injury is present as far as it can be perceived so perhaps this woman doesn't need to die this day. It was Terfel who stepped up first to the defence of the accused and his impressive way with words meant he was able to quickly defuse the situation causing the crowd to disperse. The accused in question goes by the name Valerya and is a scholar of the local Morgrave university, a place for advanced learning so I believe. Specify she studies ornithology, the academic study of birds, furthermore she has a keen interest in the Black Herons Kal and I have seen in the Shadow marches and now beyond in Sharn, seems my river is one to flow in the right direction rather frequently. I gave her some of my cloth belts to cover her mark and insisted she leaves the city as soon as possible to continue her research in the Marches and find what she can learn about these birds and why they are here, hopefully, she will keep us informed of any discoveries, only time will tell.   This led my allies and me to discuss the nature of Dragonmarks and the Houses as a whole, half of us stating a negative outlook on them it seems, Dax's people are in constant conflict with House Tharask because of their Dragonshard mining operations and Terfel seems to dislike the uneven power dynamic the Houses present, although I and Kalshana have a differing perspective, remarkably Dragonmarks not manifesting among the populace of Sarlona means that Kalshana has little to no experience with them and is confused by the whole thing and myself well, If not for the marked artificers of House Cannithe I don't believe I would be here to discuss this. This doesn't mean I trust them at all however, I'm aware that a few higher-ups within Cannithe take Warforged independence bitterly. It's tricky, Many of the people here have strong reasons to loathe the Houses or even those who are marked but life is life, one does not need to be killed simply for the ebb and flow of the universe at large. Well I must ponder this a while Journal, I'll tell you of the conclusion of our missions, hope they go well, till next time Signed, Warden

    Letter to Singe
    9th of Eyre, 998 YK

    Dear Mr Etan Bayard,   Hello, hope you and Geth are well and the Shadow Marches are treating you as such. Myself and the Kalastar monk, Kalshana are safe and doing fine, using our skills for the betterment of the populace over here and we intend to stay for an extended period. Is your mission going as planned? Has Geth achieved contact with any more gatekeepers? have you dealt with any more undesirables since we last spoke? The remaining Kalastar monk Virikhad, elected to stay in the Marches apposed to my advice, have you seen them or heard anything? This is a lot of questions and you don't me well at all, but please, if you can provide me answers to a few I would be most grateful. And if there is anything you wish to know from me, please feel free to ask.   Yours Hopefully, Warden, The Gatekeeper you met in Bull Hollow   PS: if you wish to reply, please send to the House Orien post office in Starilaskur, I can reach it there.

    The Revered and The Unseen
    9th of Eyre, 998 YK

    Greeting Journal,   Got a few hours while my companions rest so I thought I'd give a little update. Been mostly idling around in New Cyre waiting for orders or inspiration to take me for a few weeks though it allowed me to take part in a few new practices such as casual reading and experimentation with my new abilities seems my forms aren't limited to just horses, I can also do, dogs, cats, and mice. Wings and webbed appendages I appear to struggle with, perhaps in time, I will get the hang of it. I'm rather fond of the feline form, it's agile and allows me to get to various places I wouldn't be able to otherwise., much to the ire of my Campmates.   Anyway, I'm learning more about my companions every day, not all of it good mind you, Terfel discovered a news article dated a few weeks back about Q'barra settlements under attack by "savage lizardfolk", House Tharask miners getting the worst of it. When we brought this up with the resident Q'barran Dax, she got rather agitated and defensive, saying the settlers were messing with forces they didn't quite comprehend and the mining of Dragonshards in the area was weakening the prison of Masvirik or the Cold Sun as she put it. Not familiar with this entity or its apparent ability to influence thought but this story sure does echo that of the Gatekeeper seals and the Daekyr lords Azhug had told me of, so despite lacking evidence beyond her words I don't doubt for a second there is more to this and we should be wary. The same level of slight scepticism goes for Kalshanas tale of Dream demons and the Riedrans "kill them with kindness" approach to shadow warfare, but I trust them both with my continued functionality, and thus I will work to uncover the darkness that spreads across the land and hope they will help me with mine. Unseen threats abound in Eberron it seems.   it was shortly after this discovery that the prince had another task for us, that being to act as his bodyguards to a trip to the Brelish capitol, Wroat on the personal request of King Boranel, the ruler of all Breland. Of course, is to be expected a prince would have friends in high places, you don't simply get handed a chunk of land the size of New Cyre without a few connections. Connections my allies and I will hopefully be able to make use of if all continues to go well. It did, for the most part, we travelled from Starilaskur via the Lightning Rail, a wonderful prospect Journal. I had always found them fascinating and did some reading in my spare time about them, Infomation I was more than happy to share with my fellow passengers. Although, where previously I hadn't given it much thought I do feel for the bound elemental within the engine of the train, the air is meant to be free and restaining it seems wrong to me now. Perhaps if they were able to train them like horses or mules?   The journey was not without its hic-ups mind you, during the train ride our carriage was attacked by more of those Swords of Liberty drongo's, they're bold got to give them that. I'm concerned about the frequency of these attacks, they happen far too often, they seem to always know when to strike. this time though, the restricted space on the train almost paid off for them, they did a number on Dax, luckily we had time to recover on the remaining train ride there, the guards taking the survivors into custody.   What is daunting as my last visit for sure, though I didn't really get chance to have a proper explore before, wishing to make up for the lost time in travel. luckily we had a couple of wonderful guides this time around, first was a fellow forged, that calls themselves Three in an odd parallel to my own previous title. A lot more intimidating a figure than myself having an extra two feet on me, doesn't appear to have the other hallmarks of a Juggernaut, regardless they are thoroughly pleasant, been in Breland a long time 30 or so years! that makes them a 1st generation (myself being 8th) and as the country has treated them and our people well, they stayed, if only I could have had the same in Aundair, life would be so different now but I can't dwell on that.   The second was an associate of the King whom we have now met too! Incredible. To think that a few years ago had I been in King Boranel court I'd either have captured or In prime position to win the day or Aundair ... Though I wouldn't dream of the latter outcome now Journal, Boranel is a stand-up bloke, very personable and interested in all of our stories, though he didn't give us much of a chat at first as he wished to catch up with his old friend Oragev in private. Understable. So our second guide was his ward Haydith, who found her way here via the Treaty of Throne hold becoming a ward of the Brelish royal house from Karrnath. Not something I had ever found myself involved with before, politics, as Warforged were made, trained and sold to the highest bidder, we didn't have the knowledge or inclination to involve ourselves in such things. So its all rather new to me, hearing how the cogs of society work, often in opposite directions mind, it is confusing but I am learning, thankfully Terfel is a deft hand at these social intricacies than anyone else in our squad. On that note, Haydith excels at such herself, she seems to know all the merchants by name and knows exactly what to say to soften them up, its impressive, saved us all a few golds on some choice purchases we all made also. Not bad for a Princess of another nation to be held in such high regard here, especially one of a nation that was viewed with such contempt during the War.   Yes on that note, I acquired some more things for the journey, Journal! First, a magic wand to replace the pouch of components I'd been using, will allow me to fulfil the Material component of my spells without requiring certain items on my person, exceeding useful and as magic seems more in my skill set these days and armed combat seems to be, doubly so. This wand is carved out of Lamannian Oak wood meaning it is extra conductive, giving my spells of air elements a slight punch. The other item of note was something I had heard of being used by Warforged in the War but never had I have seen one, a Wand sheath. A Wand sheath is a device only useable by Warforged, attaching to the forearm and allowing a wand to be placed within it meaning it can be summoned at will with a flick of the wrist. A fantastic feat of artifice. Being able to conceal and summon a wand will prove invaluable I wonder if such a function could be applied to other handhelds? I was also able to acquire shield but I had to borrow some gold to it, I made sure Haydith got her due though, I'm nothing if not a keeper of my word.   Unfortunately, our shopping trip was cut short by those colossal pains in the rear panelling, The Swords of Liberty, this time attempting to take the life of our wonderful guide! We quickly dispatched them before the guard arrived. The gall of these people Journal, not content with trying to take down the prince on the way here they even go as far as to attempt to spill blood on their home cobblestones. Haydith assures us that this only further reflects badly The Swords of Liberty, given her stature and public opinion, I hope she's right.   Returning to the Castle, the King was rightly furious but thankful everyone was safe, Three informed us that we had been giving lodging within the keep and Dinner was being prepared for all of us. Extraordinary. Dinner with a King, I couldn't have seen myself in such a position before all of this Journal, is this what it means to live? Incredible. Though my naivety showed when dinner was presented, I kept myself to the back of the room where Three was positioned assuming this is the place of forged at a fancy dinner, It wasn't until the King requested that I sit and Three was simply doing his job as Kingsguard that I did. So Embarrassing. At least I didn't have to go through the actual process of eating, it disgusts me.   Well, that takes us up to where we are now, in this fancy castle room, writing to you Journal, about kings, shopping and dinners.   How strange my life has become.   Signed, Warden - WX-4445  

    Nature's Allies and I
    10th of Therendor, 998 YK

    Hello Journal!   Had some time to collect and note my thoughts since my last entry and the events of the past weeks, been on the go again preforming more tasks for the Prince. He's a nice bloke, been paying us for our work! I've never had a wage before as well... I didn't really have the rights to one before the Treaty of Thronehold, any confiscated gold, silver or copper had to be handed to a superior so I didn't keep any I found for long so it was nice to have some of my own funds I earned. I had no idea what to buy with it though felt like I had to? I got my answer pretty soon as the Prince called on us again to help the settlement, He tasked us with finding the means for New Cyre to produce its own metal goods to arm the militia Terfel is thinking of forming and objects of trade would help things improve here so I'm all for it.   First port of call is a reliable source of raw materials to work with, specifically ores. There are mountains nearby where ore could be found but without a marked House Tharashk it would be like looking for a sword in a swamp and we'd be priced out pretty quickly using their services so we need an alternative. Checking with the settlements resident metallurgy proficient artificers of which there are two! The one I haven't met is Beezlebop Mit Divandi, He's a gnome from Zilargo, his family is apparently well known there though I haven't had the pleasure of meeting anyone else of his line. He sells something that is a bit of a staple of his home in clockworks, fascinating devices that can be used to measure the passage of time, set against a large clock located in Korranberg I believe, though my intel might be a tad dated. He seems to be struggling for sales however as I suppose the refugees don't have much need or money for expensive novelties like watches at the moment which is a shame, can't help but feel for the bloke so Kalshana and I went ahead and got some from him, he was quite pleased. Unfortunately, in terms of getting supplies, he has an ongoing arrangement with the Oraen caravans which would be far too expensive the whole settlement to be supplied, back to the drawing board.   Siebold is in much of a similar situation getting what small amounts of what he can and he brought up the lack of general supplies with Oargev. He reiterates the Houses and the mine idea and this got me thinking, Surely the Mournland's outskirts have plenty of inorganic supplies (those that are already kinda property of Cyre) just waiting to be collected? When I bring this up with the squad they are quick to point out the danger inherent with the idea, Terfel, who has actually visited there before, is all too familiar with the kinds of creatures that live near and beyond the mists so we unanimously decided this would be a last resort.   The last person we check with is the local general merchant, goes by Honest Harold, must be an ironic nickname as the first thing he does is to extort us. However, this is a solid line of inquiry as he tells us of an old forge in Vathirond, A city to the east on the edge of the Mists, to which he has a key and an address... Awful convenient if you ask me, does make me wonder where he finds this stuff out, not to say he's untrustworthy just he seems well connected for a simple merchant and I like to be in the know.   Anywho, this leads us to journey by horse and cart, although lacking a horse Terfel's connection to the prince allowed us to use a horse for our and he himself had a wagon of his own! expensive resources, not something a simple solider could have gained, definitely exceeding well connected at one time, to speculate a little: Possible member of a noble house? Didn't get much chance to talk to our equine companion this time as I felt it necessary to save my energies for something a tad more useful and these roads are rife with dangers I've yet to see. Evidenced about halfway to our destination where a griffon, a half feline, half Avian animal as big as our horse, and believing said horse to be an easy meal attacked. Quickly we attempted to scare the beast off, good as I really dislike hurting animals and it was only looking for food, after all, pure instinct. This is when something strange happened journal, as these thoughts went thoughts my mind, about instinct and a connection to the flora and fauna around me... it answered me, some of the nearby soil and shrubs coalesced to form that of one of the wolves I had seen roaming the reaches one night and remembered Azug mention that they can make loyal companions if treated right. I stared in disbelief in what I saw for a moment as it looked for me for instruction I gave a whistle as I had seen people do dogs before and thought about getting it to try and scare the griffon away with is and it listened! I've never felt so in touch with the land before I wonder what other abilities with manifest when I continue my practice of Druidry. Unfortunate as it is, the creature was killed by Dax, I didn't see this as necessary as it was on the run, though skilled as she is with the hunt perhaps she saw something I did not I still found it to be quite a downer. Lucky her talents allowed for the beast to have not died in vain as she made weapons and arrows from its bones and feathers as well as gathering enough meat to keep those that need it fed. Resourceful.   We arrived in Vathirond with no further issues though this town has seen some of the worst of the war for sure, half of it appears lost to the Mournland long before the wall of mist and a ragtag militia keeps order and monsters at bay, though it is clear how much they struggle. One thing I can be certain of is its leadership is top-notch, I've found the first of my former Squad! The one in charge around here is non-other than Sgt. Meritamen, I couldn't believe my optics when I saw her, alas I may have been a bit foolish as I instantly fell back into my military habits, addressing her as Sergeant and saluting the in the traditional Audarian manner. She was taken aback and quickly corrected me, saying she nor I were no longer soldiers and she's certainly not an Audarian commander. She and I caught up, explained that the General responsible for the repeated raids on the Eldeen Reaches has been sent to prison for War crimes. Now I try to give respect to my superiors whenever possible but having my freedom and spent time amongst the people of The Reaches and Shadow Marches, but he was a Wanker and his disregard for the soldiers under his command cost many lives and almost my own, Good riddance. She was unable to tell me the whereabouts of our other squadmates but wished me to pass on her best if I was to find them, may not be my C.O anymore but I shall treat this request as if it were an order. I feel for the plight of these people as I do for those that live in New Cyre so I'm glad they have a trustworthy representative. After our catch up she is able to tell me the street we are after but is quick to disclose that this area has been overrun with monsters of the Mournland and should be explored with the utmost care, not wishing to see any more animals harmed on this venture and needing a way to get the supplies home we decided it best to leave our horse behind in the safer part of town for this. This presented the issue of getting the cart through the streets. Though many of our squad display impressive physicality, Terfel and, surprisingly Kalshana are the standouts, they could not be expected to carry it all the way to town this is when inspiration struck again, like an instinct I never knew I had; I could become a horse. Yes, journal, you heard an actual living, breathing, blood pumping horse! I felt it in the Core of my being, that connection to the ground, like my mind, laid fingers through the earth as when I cast spells but this time I thought about our need for a steed and I knew I could do it. They looked at me in confusion at first, like I had fully lost my senses but for lack of a better option they agreed we try it, I sat down and began to focus on these thoughts, the shape of the animal, how it acted how it felt and I activated my optics, no, my eyes I had eyes! organic eyes! my field of view was very disorienting and my form felt warm, warm from the inside? it was so bizarre! I could hardly contain my excitement, in fact, I got a tad distracted, thankfully Kalshana was able to get focus out of me as she could hear my thoughts... yep, kept that little tidbit hidden from the lot of us, her people are telepathic it seems, Incredible and invaluable, I knew I liked her. Yes... well when I got used to the sound of internal functions it proved quite effective at getting about though I'm sure the process of shapechanging like this made Terfel quite visually uncomfortable. I doubt any of my squad had seen anything like this before, I certainly didn't know it was possible, none of the Druids I've met we're capable of such but I'd heard tell of such abilities, its truly exciting though I must say.   unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it for long, as some of the Mournland's Monstrosities made their appearance. The first that violently removed me from my horse form was some kind of amalgamation of a bear and an owl with twice as aggressive as both, It may not have seen us if I wasn't horsing around. To be honest, journal, we were lucky in a way the other creature came along and caused it to flee. This being was like nothing I had seen... and believe me when I say I've seen some pretty disturbing things, but this 40 ft tall monster, thin as a rake with two mawed cones for faces was truly horrifying. It made disturbing siren noises and kept repeating the same few phrases about being the "Cyran Emergency Broadcast system" a magical device used to send messages quickly across a large area like a city though as far as the Aundairian ones I had seen, they didn't really move or hunt as this creature appeared to be doing. We all wisely hid as it inspected our cart and soon headed in pursuit of the Owlbear. Truly awful what this place can spawn, causes me to fear this Morning may have had something to do with the Daelkyr and their twisted experiments, I dread to think of this being true. Once we composed ourselves we made it to the workshop, leaving the cart behind for later collection, this place was not the shop of any ordinary blacksmith, it was a Cannith manufactory! Must have been enough resources to supply 10 forges in here nevermind just New Cyre, I was even able to gather myself a set of tools for tinkering, a skill I picked up as part of my House training, I didn't think one set would go amiss as there were plenty to go around. Terfel didn't like the idea of taking from one of the Dragonmarked Houses and I understand his apprehension, the Houses dislike being messed with and they made me so I suppose I owe them a little for that. However, they rarely treated forged as equals and upon reflection, I decided you can respect them with obeying or fearing them besides, it seems that if Harold knew about this place House Cannith surely would too and if they haven't sent anyone to collect it yet then it's lost to them. So we began gathering what we needed, Terfel and Kalshana went to fetch the cart, whilst Dax kept an eye on that creature as it loped around the district spouting nonsense, loaded up I changed into a horse again, less surprised/excited this time and we began the long ride back.   Lucky for us, the creature had become rather disinterested in us, and we were able to avoid it, collect our horse and return to town. Along the way, we met up with Meritamen who took interest in our filled wagon as any wise commander would, we explained about the forge and the supplies we needed and hence gathered and this piqued her interest further. She asked us if there were more as the people here could use them just as New Cyre does. Here Journal, at this moment I know I made a good choice to head this way like the ebb and flow of my personal river had driven me to this point was right, without much hesitation my squad and I told her of the remaining supplies, of which there were many and of the present dangers. I wanted to do some good here and this is it, these supplies will help these people get back on their feet, ready for if that creature or its fellows decides to make moves here. It wasn't much but its a good start and we made it happen. I feel content for now.   Meritamen did feel the need to sweeten the deal with gold, however, very kind of her and her people but unnecessary. I'm pretty sure Kalshana just gives it to the needy, awfully kind of her but a tad Illogical when money = food and shelter for Organics things needed for basic survival. Anyway, after a days respite, we began the long ride back home and I promised Meritamen that I would write if I found any more of our former squad. it was a largely uneventful journey, no griffons to speak of until the last few days from New Cyre. Another caravan sat off the road ahead of us with a dwarven figure at the reigns, Kalshana and I approached cautiously and I instinctively summoned my companion which could be interpreted as an overly aggressive action upon reflection. This didn't hold us back thankfully as the man at the reigns, that goes by Klemens Fuchs, was just a merchant from the east looking for somewhere to unload his salvage. He works for Ikar's Salvage, one of the many companies created post-war to gather as much usable salvage from the Mournland as possible. Noble if not exceedingly dangerous as our short excursion proved. He said that the Nobles of Breland tend to get the first pick of the items he has but it didn't take much to convince him those materials would be better suited in New Cyre and we made our way there together and I joined Klemens on his wagon, regaling him of our exploits the whole way!   All in all, this has been quite the successful mission, I hope we are able to keep such a momentum going in the coming days, a few hours out of New Cyre Journal so I'll sign off here. keep you posted in the adventures of our little band of do-gooders,   Signed Warden - WX4445     Addendum: if all Zilargoans are like the ones I've met its certainly a place I'd like to visit, used to travel with another Gnome during the war, Wolfgang Gummen, not a true artificer but familiar with the process, think he wanted to train further, I hope he got that chance and I get to ask him myself. 1 down 7 to go.

    New Beginnings, Old Wounds
    25th of Olarune, 998 YK

    Hello Journal,   A lot to catch you up on... So Kalshana and I have made our way to New Cyre, we were greeted on the gates by a collection of armed individuals, that I hasten to call them soldiers. They were suspect of course but once we elaborated on our purpose they soften and introduce us to somewhat of an authoritarian figure in Terfel Glas.   After finding out mine and Kalshanas ability to use healing magic, Terfel sets us up working in the House Jarrasco Clinic under the watch of Thara d'Jorasco, a former field medic. She seems nice enough, but somethings I remember from my time before the Gatekeepers still hold true, that being her House won't allow her to care for those that cannot pay. A shame, I understand that access to healing magic and resources is a rare ability but I feel you shouldn't need to bleed dry financially before you bleed literally. Kalshana and I aren't held under such a code, and Thara I think appreciates that, wishing she was the same.   Life went on at a leisurely pace like this for a while since our arrival on the Zaryantr 3rd, till Olarune 20th, The Anniversary of the event called the Morning, the cataclysm that took the home from these people. Their Leader, a member of the Cyran royal house, perhaps the only one left, Prince Oragev gave a speech to his subjects, he spoke with conviction, I'm disappointed he was so rudely interrupted but some blue hooded drongos claiming to bring these people liberty! My instincts kick in and I jump to action, Terfel, Kalshana and another person of interest here, Dax'Athla followed suit. The people here are just trying to get by, they don't deserve this nonsense, though it appears the assailants had one goal in mind: to kill the Prince. Quickly dispatched by our combined efforts, it was unnecessary to take their lives of them but there were unfortunate casualties, we were able to interrogate the survivors. Sadly this proved fruitless as they didn't have much intelligence to share (figuratively and literally) seeming to have all arrived here at random without planning or forethought, but their gear was interesting; well made with what appears to have symbolism I recall belonging to House Cannith, iconography I have seen plenty of in my time but we couldn't be sure of their origins thus taking us to see the resident expert of the settlement, a man called Siebold.   The aged goblin is skilled in the practice of Artifice, little rough around the edges but he means well, even offered to give me a look over whilst I was there. Good thing too, it had been many months since my last bout of maintenance after a quick inspection he discovered a dry rot infection within the damaged portion of my spine, given time this would surely have deactivated me permanently! Here's me thinking Warforged don't get sick, it seems we have our own ailments, should monitor this closely. Anyway, he was also able to identify the swords as that of Cannith make, far too well made and expensive for simple street thugs to have acquired on a whim, further investigation was required. Another item of note we found on these thugs was the same pin: Roaring bear with a sword behind it on a blue background. No one in our group seemed to recognise so we took it to another prominent figure in the camp, an old associate of Tefel's, Iona Perch, a priest of the Sovereign Host, one of the more prominent religions on Korvaire so it makes sense they would have a foothold here. She was able to tell us more about it, that the bear and the blue are icons of Breland but the sword stumped her. I took this lull in the investigation to revisit Siebold, said he hasn't had the opportunity to work on my kind often so I'm glad to give it to him, cleared my dry rot right up, but mentioned I need to keep it try to permanently fix the problem, terrible season for it, in Olarune, the showers are relentless.   Meeting back up with the group, they had spoken with a local merchant and learned a name for these people, call themselves The Swords of Liberty, parliamentarians who wish to see the royals removed from power in favour of elected officials. Not an unreasonable idea, however, their methods leave much to de desired, but due to to their hindrance to the running of this camp: this cannot continue. Unfortunately, we had no other leads at this time so we decide to seek out the missing supplies that should have arrived a few days prior from Starilaskur, the Brelish town directly north of New Cyre. We were on the road for a few days and typical of Olarune it rained frequently, I kept out of it as best I could, thankfully Terfel was kind enough to lend me one of those sleeping bags I see the organics resting it, it was able to keep the rain from my wounds quite nicely, he's the mate that one. It was soon after we came across our missing wagon, or at the least evidence of the wagon being here, corpses of the fallen escort lay in the bushes, both long dead by Bolts we were quickly able to determine as one pinged directly off of my cranial cap. Using what mentor had taught me, I was able to influence the wilds of Ebberon to heed my call ensnaring our assailants, it felt bizarre but empowering to have such strength at the end of my fingertips, mustn't allow it to get to my head, however, I could feel my force of will waning after its use. Must remember, magic takes a lot of will power to control, I must manage it efficiently. We captured some of our attackers, dressed and armed the same as our previous foes and just as unwilling to talk. Dax's previous method of threatening to eat their limbs (odd but proved effective) didn't seem to work on these fellows instead she elected to get me discussing myself, I was happy to oblige, of course, though I find it a tad upsetting that she would equate that to the eating of limbs! Clever though, had them spilling the beans right quick, we were soon on the trail of more fellas nearby, logic would dictate this is where they have taken the heavy supplies and carts. We quietly approached the camp, attempting to strike at twilight however the fates at other plans, as two of the bandits began to approach us, Dax began sneaking forward, quiet as the wind, knowing she was outnumbered I tried to follow suit, stumbling through the underbrush and drawing them right to me. Knowing I was rumbled I decided to talk it out with these fellas, this gave the rest of our party apt time to strike and eventually overrun the camp.   It occurs to me, journal that, despite mentioning them frequently up to this point, I haven't elaborated on whom my new Squadmates are, how rude, sorry well there's Kalshana you know, the others are Tefel Glas and Dax'Athla   Tefel Glas is somewhat of an important figure around the New Cyre, a true veteran of The Last War, you can see in the way he carries himself, the old war wounds that hinder his movements, his talented with many forms of arms, for sure a bloke you want on your side when the going gets rough. Because of his stature here I give him the proper respect but he has requested not to refer him as a sir, not sure what happened to that practice since my time away. anyhow, he clearly cares deeply for Cyre and many in the camp heed his words, he even has the Prince's ear at times, as I say someone you wanna keep around. He has a son here too! Eger to learn but with the cold questioning demeanour of a commanding officer, in explaining the loss of Kalshana's comrades and the fall of Bull Hollow to him he didn't pull any punches in his comments, asking if we thought ourselves failures, I didn't show it as I'm sure no harm was meant but those words cut like a knife, still, as I'm learning about how to interface emotionally, he is too so it doesn't bother me. It will be interesting seeing how these children develop over time, not something I've had experience with.   Dax'Athla and I first met when was exercising my talents in healing potion brewing, however, lacking the requisite materials, she travelled with me to the local wilderness to collect them. She is what a believe they call Lizardfolk, although I'm sure that's not how they refer to themselves as if she didn't intimidate me so I'd inquire. Anyway, my observations have shown she is a true survivor of the wilds where I am merely a guest, at home there able to traverse forested land as if it wasn't even there and with her assistance, I was quickly able to find the things I needed. I think that aptly describes my experiences with her, she is extremely to the point, and has no time for idle chit-chat, reminds me of some of the other 'Forged I trained with. She has talent, a skilled archer and the use of usual crystalline blades make her a formidable combatant, I can respect that. Further observation has determined that she owes Terfel some form of debt (perhaps for passage to New Cyre, like Kalshana and Myself) though as previously described, she commits to the task without hesitation does make we wonder how and why she would find herself here helping these people but given the past week, I wouldn't have it any other way.   And last but not least, Kalshana, yes, I know you know of her but we don't KNOW her, not hardly. She proves herself to a true and honest individual whose only true desire is to help those in need, not expecting coin or renown in return, unlike anyone else I've met aside from Azhug. Having spent most of my new beginning and now working means we are spending a lot more time together, she doesn't seem to mind or care who I was or what I am as long as I doing good and I do like that, its rather refreshing not to have assumptions made about you just because of how you were made. Although as I've learned this maybe because shes never once met a Warforged before! I was aghast at the thought, however Sarlona, the content she originated didn't see the war at all so I assume that means no Warforged, how bizarre. I was happy to elaborate about myself and my creation and she took it in her stride, as most of the strangeness here to her. Sarlona must be so different, I hope she begins to feel at home here sooner rather than later.   Well on that last note, she's not alone in that, Terfel seems like the only one of this ragtag squad that has a true incline of anything at the moment, however, what we do have is proving fruitful having recovered at least some of the supplies for New Cyre and these having a lead on these Swords of Liberty drongos causing us so much trouble. I am uneasy at to getting too close to these people, not to lose them like I did Azhug, though I could certainly see that happening and that idea makes the cords in my neck tingle uneasily, must ask Siebold to inspect that, can't be operating properly, can it?   I could certainly make what they call home here if nothing else I think.   Well, the sun is rising, the others will awake soon,   Till next time Journal, Warden - WX-4445    

    Forward Movement
    4th Zarantyr, 998

    Greetings Journal, So my new adventure begins. Since we last spoke our group has made it to the town of Yrlag, a very small port town, but it appears passage by boat can be acquired here which may be our best option going forward, to travel to this encampment of New Cyre that keeps coming up in conversation. Without a doubt, those people need all the help they can muster, and I feel if the Delkyr want Kalshanna and Virikhad it would be best to get them both away from the Shadow Marches as soon as possible. Don't presume I abandon my duties as a Gatekeeper, Journal, I have entrusted Geth to seek out others of the Order to spread the word to the south while I continue the work in the east, because if they have managed to seek out the Bull Hole there is nothing to say they haven't got eyes on the other seals. I trust Geth with this task, he may not look too kindly upon Warforged but he cared for Adolan and wishes to exact his revenge and follow through.   The concept of revenge didn't really resonate with me previously, harkening back to the idea of soldiers being just numbers, you lose one there would nearly always be a replacement. Now, however, when I think about my Mentor and the Copper Dragon my mind can't shake the focus of it, my only desire is to see it erased from the face of Eberron permanently. This must be what revenge feels like, not sure I'm a fan, seems like it would push you to attempt something illogical just to satiate it, all the more reason I need to get away from the Shadow Marches, incase I act on said impulses too quickly.   Lt. Singe has left with Geth, somewhat begrudging, however after the goose chase Geth gave him, he won't let him loose that easily, though I'm glad they have each other, being alone isn't pleasant for too long a period. He did request I stop calling him Luietnenat as he was never an official Audarian officer and I'm no longer an Audarain soldier, I suppose he's right, though technically I was M.I.A not K.I.A but I was told never to argue with superiors regardless of whom they pledge allegiance   Virikhad seems deadset on remaining here in the Marches to seek out his and Kelshanna's remaining compatriots, we tried to convince him otherwise but to no avail, this did always amaze me about other Humanoids, they aren't as physically resistant as my kind but they more than make up for it in mental resolve. logically speaking, if the Delkyr were using them to locate or open the Bull Hole seal then they have succeeded and their friends are as good as ashes or worse, part of their growing army of aberrations, but who am I to crush this mans spirit? I sincerely hope he finds some closure if nothing else.   Unable to take Glen on board the boat I left him in the care of Virikhad as I wished him well on his journey. So that just leaves the 3 of us: You, Kelshanna and myself.   Couldn't wish for nicer companions though, do not mistake me. Kelshanna is a different sort to those I've become accustomed too but I sense wisdom and kindness behind her eyes... or is it their eyes?.... This Quori spirit business still has me a little confused, still, I like her. This light she mentions is curious, I've never been much for spirituality, not before the gatekeepers anyway, but it seems to grant her a sense of purpose beyond herself which is definitely a sentiment I can appreciate.   The secure passage from Yrlag we must work upon the boat to pay the fare of 200gp, more money than I have ever seen but its the fastest way around the swamp, so be it. Nothing too difficult and Kelshanna and I are able to pay our way through. it helps that I don't need to rent a cabin or pay to eat, means we will accrue the amount sooner rather than later. I think Kelshanna finds this a bit strange, although she doesn't seem to question it, and I'm not sure how I would even bring such a topic up, the Warforged can be a difficult topic for many in Korvaire to discuss due to their ties to the Last War, so I think it wise to let her come to me with such enquiries.   The crew claim we are approaching the bay known as The Hilt and thus will arrive in the city of Sharn where we can continue our journey eastward. Heard many things about this place, that the tallest buildings reach higher than the clouds. Incredible.   To Moving Forward Journal, Warden AKA WX-4445

    Strangers from a Strange land
    18th Aryth, 997 YK

    Hello again, Journal,   Its been an active few days, shortly after we last spoke I encountered Lieutenant Singe and Geth along the trail, we share a campfire. I can forgive them journal, they may have left me behind but I'd rather they lived than face the same fate as Azhug, they seem in high spirits but Geth is rather distant as he was before, that man has had his fill of war for one lifetime I feel. During our respite, our group is approached by a couple of strangers, they are dressed strangely but don't appear to be armed, aside from possibly some magical ability. Lt. Singe is distrusting of them but before we can integrate them further Geth spots a squad of Dolgrims and some other Delkyr horror attack us. We're able to defeat them but where there were some, there will be more and I encourage our new companions to travel with us. Their names are Kalshana and Virikhad, they seem nice but naive of Korvairian customs, which would make sense considering the distance they travelled, Virikhad asked me if I was a "follower of the light", Now I like a sunny day as much as the next guy so I may have said a small lie about being a follower of this light to encourage them to come along... I know journal, I'm sorry about that, but the Reaches are dangerous, especially for strangers so I'd rather they travel with us. We follow the trail of our wayward horses that scarpered as soon as the fighting broke out until we were ambushed again by some of those tribal warriors seemingly working with the Delkyr. We outnumbered them so it was a short fight, they seem dead set on our new friends though, feeding the fire of Lt. Singe's distrust. I still feel the best policy is to remain together, and on horseback, we were able to outrun them, we stop briefly to discuss our plan going forward.   Kalshana tells us of her people and the reason to travel here, all seems very odd to me, these Qouri spirits they mention, sounds like multiple souls sharing a body, could see how that would be useful but I would imagine rather uncomfortable too, they seem to be coping well with it at any rate. This Dreaming dark they speak of troubles me more though, they sound very dangerous and if they have any form of connection to the Delkyr we are in a fair amount of trouble. So, for now, our goals seem in alignment, we will soon be leaving the Reaches and heading to the town of Yrlag in the Shadow Marches as Geth tells us we can find more Gatekeepers there and maybe some answers.   We shall see if this venture bears fruit, I certainly hope so , Till next time, Warden AKA WX-4445

    The Fall of Bull Hollow
    17th Aryth, 997 YK

    How do I begin this? I heard that writing one's thoughts and feelings down can help process them, well here goes... G'day my Designation is WX-4445 but my chosen name is Warden, a name I took after my new life began once I met my Mentor and friend Azhug. Azhug was, as far as I could quantify a good person, Analysis suggests he was of strong build, formidable in close range combat... Sorry, a force of habit, he was a friend, the first true friend perhaps I had, Yes my Audarian squadmates treated me with a modicum of respect but not like the connection I had with Azhug, we were equalled not man and machine.   Anyway, this beating around the bush was to avoid confronting the truth of it all, my friend is dead. I can't put it any more straightforward than that, I saw him felled by a large copper Dragon of all creatures... this feeling of loss is... new to me, sure I've lost plenty of comrades in arms along the way but back then, they were numbers like I was just a number, even the name I was given was a number. Each felled soldier a slide on the abacus, especially for Warforged. But this man, he taught me to appreciate it all Life, every insect, every leaf they sit upon, the branches connected to those, to the roots in the earth to the very core of Ebberon herself, its all connected, all required to keep this world functioning all must be protected. I appreciated him as a living being and now his light has been snubbed permanently, I will miss him dearly. Not sure I ever want to feel this again Journal, this pain, it hangs in my chest but I am relatively undamaged. Injury without physical damage, the mind is fascinating ain't it?   Its been a day of losing, all in all, First Gatekeeper we meet in months dies right before my visuals and then the gate of Bull Hollow falls within the grasp of the Delkyr.   However, I have a mission, I will continue your legacy mentor, for the Gatekeepers, For Ebberon, this battle is over but it is by no means the end to this new war I find myself in, hope I'm ready.   I'm not alone thankfully, I have you, of course, Journal, and my travel companion Glen, well I asked them their prefered name and they said "Rider of Valleys, Consumer of Hay and Rye" But I found this to be a bit of a mouthful so Glen it is, they don't seem to mind as long as I find them fresh feed and they can't go home, their home is gone.   I should make it to a stream that will lead my out of the Eldeen Reaches for the first time in a decade and then I must seek another Gatekeeper Seal to tell them of what transpired here. I'll allow Glen to take rest, and I should shut off of a spell too, g'night Journal, till next time...   Signed Unit 4445 - Warden Aryth 17th , 997 YK.


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