Cannith Forgehold Building / Landmark in Eberron | World Anvil
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Cannith Forgehold

House Cannith played a major role in the development of Sharn, and as the towers of the city rose up into the sky, the Lords of Cannith sunk their roots into the ground. The enclave in Dragon Towers is used for trade negotiations and diplomatic purposes, but the Forgehold is the heart of House Cannith. This subterranean fortress includes a wide range of forges, alchemical workshops, and mystical facilities. It is an artificer’s dream, and Merrix d’Cannith spends most of his time there.   The Forgehold is one of the finest fortresses built by the House of Making. It is designed to withstand both magical and physical assaults, and a thief or spy must overcome a wide range of deadly traps to even approach its secrets. A force of warforged soldiers and Sharn’s five members of the Darkwood Watch, the elite wand adepts of House Cannith, protect the place.
Refinery / Industrial complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization