Merrix d’Cannith Character in Eberron | World Anvil
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Merrix d’Cannith

Merrix was born during the Last War, a few years before the first modern warforged were created. He is the son of Aaren d'Cannith, and grandson of his namesake, Merrix d'Cannith the Elder. In 970 YK, his father Aaren was excoriated from House Cannith, and Merrix was subsequently adopted by his grandfather.   Merrix rose up through the ranks of House Cannith, eventually becoming the Baron of Cannith's Sharn enclave. In 994 YK, when the Day of Mourning occurred, much of the leadership of House Cannith, including Merrix's granduncle Starrin d'Cannith, was wiped out by the event, leaving Merrix as one of the most senior members of House Cannith. In addition, the central forgehold of Whitehearth was wiped out by the Mourning, making the Sharn enclave the primary Cannith enclave for research and development.   In the aftermath of the Day of Mourning, the remnants of House Cannith could not decide on a leader. Jorlanna and Zorlan d'Cannith both emerged as potential candidates for the next leader, but Merrix did not consider either of them worthy of the position. Despite having a weaker claim than Jorlanna and Zorlan and a lack of political experience, Merrix staked his own claim to the leadership of House Cannith. His skill, youth, and control of the Sharn enclave forces his rivals to take him seriously.
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