Ambassador Towers
Ambassador Towers, Sharn’s embassy district, is home to embassies and consulates from eleven foreign nations: Aundair, Cyre, Karrnath, Lhazaar Principalities, Mror Holds, Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, Zilargo, Aerenal, and Riedra. A single consul or ambassador heads each embassy. The rest of the embassy staff consists of bureaucrats and clerks as well as diplomats, negotiators, and spies. In the minds of Khorvaire’s diplomatic community, the Last War might not be over—a few years of peace could be nothing more than a brief hiatus from a conflict that lasted a century, and hostilities could erupt again at any moment. Best to be prepared.
Cyre's embassy was established here long before the Last War, and its staff continues to advocate for the interests of the villagers of New Cyre, in eastern Breland.
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